Skupina hroščev podzemljarjev (Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) predstavlja eno največjih evolucijskih radiacij v podzemeljskem okolju. Čeprav je skupina deležna številnih raziskav pa je sistematika in filogenija podzemljarev še vedno slabo razjasnjena. V raziskavi smo preverjali filogenetske odnose znotraj skupine in utemeljenost obstoječe nad-rodovne sistematike. Raziskava je bila osredotočena na taksone območja Dinarskega krasa. Molekulsko smo analizirali 147 vzorcev podzemljarjev in jih dopolnili z že objavljenimi podatki o zaporedjih DNA dodatnih 44 taksonov. Skupaj smo zajeli 116 rodov iz zahodne palearktike. V verižnih reakcijah s polimerazo (PCR) smo po standardnih metodah pomnožili šest odsekov genov, ki smo jih uporabili za mol...
The last two decades were particularly prolific in historical biogeography because of new informatio...
Tartariella durmitorensis n. gen. et n. sp., third species of Leptodirini from the Dinaric range wit...
Abstract – A new leiodid beetle species, Remyella montenegrina sp. n., from a cave in northeastern M...
Vrsta Leptodirus hochenwartii Schmidt, 1832 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) je prva otkrivena i opisana špil...
Two new ultraspecialized troglomorphic Leptodirini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from two Croa...
Three subterranean leptodirine leiodid taxa, viz., Bozidaria Ćurčić & Pavićević gen. nov., Bozidaria...
A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki ...
A new genus and species of cave-dwelling leiodid beetles (Rozajella jovanvladimiri gen. n., sp. n.) ...
Two new subterranean leiodid taxa of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 from three pits in northern...
The genus Bathyscidius is, according to the body size, one of the smallest leptodirines. Six species...
The subtribe Leptodirina is one of the most species-rich subtribes of the tribe Leptodirini, compris...
Abstract. The tribe Leptodirini (Leiodidae: Cholevinae) is one of the largest radiations of Coleopte...
The tribe Leptodirini of the beetle family Leiodidae is one of the most diverse radiations of cave a...
Polak, Slavko, Mulaomerović, Jasminko (2021): Rudogorites simonei gen. nov. and sp. nov. from Centra...
A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki ...
The last two decades were particularly prolific in historical biogeography because of new informatio...
Tartariella durmitorensis n. gen. et n. sp., third species of Leptodirini from the Dinaric range wit...
Abstract – A new leiodid beetle species, Remyella montenegrina sp. n., from a cave in northeastern M...
Vrsta Leptodirus hochenwartii Schmidt, 1832 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) je prva otkrivena i opisana špil...
Two new ultraspecialized troglomorphic Leptodirini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from two Croa...
Three subterranean leptodirine leiodid taxa, viz., Bozidaria Ćurčić & Pavićević gen. nov., Bozidaria...
A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki ...
A new genus and species of cave-dwelling leiodid beetles (Rozajella jovanvladimiri gen. n., sp. n.) ...
Two new subterranean leiodid taxa of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 from three pits in northern...
The genus Bathyscidius is, according to the body size, one of the smallest leptodirines. Six species...
The subtribe Leptodirina is one of the most species-rich subtribes of the tribe Leptodirini, compris...
Abstract. The tribe Leptodirini (Leiodidae: Cholevinae) is one of the largest radiations of Coleopte...
The tribe Leptodirini of the beetle family Leiodidae is one of the most diverse radiations of cave a...
Polak, Slavko, Mulaomerović, Jasminko (2021): Rudogorites simonei gen. nov. and sp. nov. from Centra...
A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki ...
The last two decades were particularly prolific in historical biogeography because of new informatio...
Tartariella durmitorensis n. gen. et n. sp., third species of Leptodirini from the Dinaric range wit...
Abstract – A new leiodid beetle species, Remyella montenegrina sp. n., from a cave in northeastern M...