Cell adhesion. Mechanical strain induces E-cadherin-dependent Yap1 and β-catenin activation to drive cell cycle entry.

  • Benham-Pyle, Blair W
  • Pruitt, Beth L
  • Nelson, W James
Publication date
May 2015
eScholarship, University of California


Mechanical strain regulates the development, organization, and function of multicellular tissues, but mechanisms linking mechanical strain and cell-cell junction proteins to cellular responses are poorly understood. Here, we showed that mechanical strain applied to quiescent epithelial cells induced rapid cell cycle reentry, mediated by independent nuclear accumulation and transcriptional activity of first Yap1 and then β-catenin. Inhibition of Yap1- and β-catenin-mediated transcription blocked cell cycle reentry and progression through G1 into S phase, respectively. Maintenance of quiescence, Yap1 nuclear exclusion, and β-catenin transcriptional responses to mechanical strain required E-cadherin extracellular engagement. Thus, activation o...

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