A tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic mesh (Une interpolation tridimensionnelle entre une structure fractale et un réseau cubique
An interpolation between two fractal networks (Une interpolation entre deux réseaux fractals
Tridimensional spherical fractal structure (Structure fractale sphérique tridimensionnelle
Tridimensional filamentous fractal structure (Structure fractale filamenteuse tridimensionnelle
A tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic mesh (Une interpolation tridi...
Anaglyph of a tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic mesh (Anaglyphe d...
A set of 4x3 stereograms of a tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic m...
Interpolation between a fractal field and a gaussian field (tridimensional visualization) (Interpola...
An interpolation between two fractal intertwinings (Une interpolation entre deux entrelacs fractals
An interpolation between two fractal networks (Une interpolation entre deux réseaux fractals
Tridimensional spherical fractal structure (Structure fractale sphérique tridimensionnelle
Tridimensional filamentous fractal structure (Structure fractale filamenteuse tridimensionnelle
A tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic mesh (Une interpolation tridi...
Anaglyph of a tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic mesh (Anaglyphe d...
A set of 4x3 stereograms of a tridimensional interpolation between a fractal structure and a cubic m...
Interpolation between a fractal field and a gaussian field (tridimensional visualization) (Interpola...
An interpolation between two fractal intertwinings (Une interpolation entre deux entrelacs fractals
An interpolation between two fractal networks (Une interpolation entre deux réseaux fractals
Tridimensional spherical fractal structure (Structure fractale sphérique tridimensionnelle
Tridimensional filamentous fractal structure (Structure fractale filamenteuse tridimensionnelle