第五百五十號記念特集號The problem of the meaning of śabda (speech, language) was discussed by many schools in classical India. For the Mïmāṃsakas, who are engaged in the investigation of dharma (religious duties), the śabda with which they are primarily concerned is the injunctive sentences (vākya) of the Vedic texts. The philosophical study of the problems concerning the śabda is found in the Mimāṃsāsūtra (=MS), I. 1. 6-23 and in the Vṛttikāra-grantha cited under the Śabarabhāṣya (=ŚBh) , I. 1. 4-5. However, the śabda treated therein is either the sound (dhvani) or the word (pada), and not the sentence. It is in the MS, I. 1. 24-26 (vākyādhikaraṇa) that the sentence is taken up for the subject of discussion. In his Ślokavārttika, Kumārila (ca. 600-65...