För klimatet spelar skogen en viktig roll eftersom den binder in koldioxid från atmosfären. Genom fotosyntes binds kolet in i biomassan och när organiskt material bryts ned bidrar det till kolinlagringar i marken. Idag finns det många studier om skogens kolinlagringar, men de undersöker endast nettoinbindningen av kolet i skogen och få studier visar hur mycket kol som totalt är inlagrat i en skog. Det finns inga studier om hur det ser ut i Sverige och det finns få studier som visar på skillnaden i kolinlagring mellan en produktionsskog och en urskog. I den här litteraturstudien presenterar jag hur mycket kol som är inbundet i den svenska skogen och hur det skiljer sig mellan produktionsskog och urskog. Genom att applicera data från en studi...
The Swedish forest is currently being debated as to how it should be managed to provide climate miti...
The warming of our planet is a direct consequence of anthropogenic emissions with carbon dioxide as ...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, which plays an impor...
För klimatet spelar skogen en viktig roll eftersom den binder in koldioxid från atmosfären. Genom fo...
The world’s forest biomes have an important role in the global carbon cycle. With an increasing leve...
By storing carbon in the biosphere, forests are mitigating climate change. Primary forests have been...
Koldioxidhalterna stiger i världen, vilket bidrar till global uppvärmning. Skogen har en viktig roll...
The possibility of forestry to reduce the environmental effects is the focus of this essay. The purp...
Forests in boreal and temperate forest-ecosystems have importance for carbonbalance since they seque...
Forests in boreal and temperate forest-ecosystems have an important function since they sequester at...
Biogen och fossil klimatpåverkan beräknades från det skogsbruk som bedrivs inom Sveaskogs produktiva...
Nivåerna av växthusgaser i atmosfären har ökat drastiskt de senaste århundradet, till följd av mänsk...
This study was conducted to test the hypotheses that a forest managed by selective cutting can store...
Forests have a large role in the global carbon cycle. Forest management could play a crucial role in...
In Sweden, where forests cover more than 60% of the land area, silviculture and the use of forest pr...
The Swedish forest is currently being debated as to how it should be managed to provide climate miti...
The warming of our planet is a direct consequence of anthropogenic emissions with carbon dioxide as ...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, which plays an impor...
För klimatet spelar skogen en viktig roll eftersom den binder in koldioxid från atmosfären. Genom fo...
The world’s forest biomes have an important role in the global carbon cycle. With an increasing leve...
By storing carbon in the biosphere, forests are mitigating climate change. Primary forests have been...
Koldioxidhalterna stiger i världen, vilket bidrar till global uppvärmning. Skogen har en viktig roll...
The possibility of forestry to reduce the environmental effects is the focus of this essay. The purp...
Forests in boreal and temperate forest-ecosystems have importance for carbonbalance since they seque...
Forests in boreal and temperate forest-ecosystems have an important function since they sequester at...
Biogen och fossil klimatpåverkan beräknades från det skogsbruk som bedrivs inom Sveaskogs produktiva...
Nivåerna av växthusgaser i atmosfären har ökat drastiskt de senaste århundradet, till följd av mänsk...
This study was conducted to test the hypotheses that a forest managed by selective cutting can store...
Forests have a large role in the global carbon cycle. Forest management could play a crucial role in...
In Sweden, where forests cover more than 60% of the land area, silviculture and the use of forest pr...
The Swedish forest is currently being debated as to how it should be managed to provide climate miti...
The warming of our planet is a direct consequence of anthropogenic emissions with carbon dioxide as ...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, which plays an impor...