ABSTRACT Ramadhanny, Lia. Students Registered Number. 17203163099. 2020. An Analysis of Moral Value Storks Movie. Sarjana Thesis. English Education Department. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Tulungagung. Advisor: Dr. Hj. Nanik Sri Rahayu, M.Pd. Keywords: analysis, moral values, movie. Moviesiseakmediaothat educateypeoplelandkenableotoeimproveptheir understandingkof specificksubjectmthoughevisual. Moviekispmediaythat have an importantpinfluenceointgivingrinformationxandras a tool, deliverzmessages to the audience or people. The filmmaker always gives moral value in every movie because it can positively influence the audience. Moreover, there are several reasons why the writer studied moral v...
ABSTRACT Fatmawati, Mega Silvia. NIM. 17203163186. Moral Values Used in “Beauty and The Beast” Mov...
ABSTRACT Cahyani, Indah. Student Registered Number. 3213113082. 2015. An Analysis of Moral Message ...
This study aims to describe the moral value found in the Forrest Gump Movie and found the most promi...
ABSTRACT Muna, Nailil. Students Registered Number. 17203163220.2020. An Analysis of Moral Values in...
Lestari, Tri. Student Registered Number. 12203173105. 2021. An Analysis Of Moral Value In “UP” Movi...
In English Language Education, film or movie is popular entertainment and film is an effective instr...
Moral, Value, MovieThe existence of literary works in Indonesia is currently growing very rapidly. T...
Every human requires education. One of the most basic things in education is moral. Humans require m...
Today’s moral education is so important in view of the many moral cases that have taken place until ...
Surati. Student Register Number. 12203173149 “An Analysis of Moral Value in The Pursuit of Happynes...
This study aims to describe moral values contained in the Raya and The Last Dragon film. This resear...
This research analyzed Shawshank Redemption movie, a movie by Frank Darabont. This movie told about ...
Analysis of moral value in movie constitutes how the researcher explain the kind of moral value foun...
The movie as one of the mass media, such as radio,television and newspapers that have a moral respon...
Penelitian ini berjudul difokuskan pada nilai-nilai moral dalam film, yakni dalam film Hindi “Bajran...
ABSTRACT Fatmawati, Mega Silvia. NIM. 17203163186. Moral Values Used in “Beauty and The Beast” Mov...
ABSTRACT Cahyani, Indah. Student Registered Number. 3213113082. 2015. An Analysis of Moral Message ...
This study aims to describe the moral value found in the Forrest Gump Movie and found the most promi...
ABSTRACT Muna, Nailil. Students Registered Number. 17203163220.2020. An Analysis of Moral Values in...
Lestari, Tri. Student Registered Number. 12203173105. 2021. An Analysis Of Moral Value In “UP” Movi...
In English Language Education, film or movie is popular entertainment and film is an effective instr...
Moral, Value, MovieThe existence of literary works in Indonesia is currently growing very rapidly. T...
Every human requires education. One of the most basic things in education is moral. Humans require m...
Today’s moral education is so important in view of the many moral cases that have taken place until ...
Surati. Student Register Number. 12203173149 “An Analysis of Moral Value in The Pursuit of Happynes...
This study aims to describe moral values contained in the Raya and The Last Dragon film. This resear...
This research analyzed Shawshank Redemption movie, a movie by Frank Darabont. This movie told about ...
Analysis of moral value in movie constitutes how the researcher explain the kind of moral value foun...
The movie as one of the mass media, such as radio,television and newspapers that have a moral respon...
Penelitian ini berjudul difokuskan pada nilai-nilai moral dalam film, yakni dalam film Hindi “Bajran...
ABSTRACT Fatmawati, Mega Silvia. NIM. 17203163186. Moral Values Used in “Beauty and The Beast” Mov...
ABSTRACT Cahyani, Indah. Student Registered Number. 3213113082. 2015. An Analysis of Moral Message ...
This study aims to describe the moral value found in the Forrest Gump Movie and found the most promi...