This article considers the character of engagement between UK police forces and Muslim communities and citizens. It examines, from the perspective of police personnel, a range of factors that prevent police organisations from ‘breaking out’ of constraints that currently hinder their engagement with Muslim communities, limit police officers from ‘breaking in’ to Muslim communities in ways that would improve engagement, and facilitate police officers in ‘breaking through’ barriers between them and Muslim communities. The aim of the article is to offer a critical insight into engagement between police officers and Muslim communities and citizens that may aid and enhance such engagement in the future. Enhancing positive engagement between the p...
The Community Policing Partnerships Project (CPPP) was one of eight projects implemen...
This study examines the effects of counterterrorism policing tactics on public cooperation among Mus...
Counter-terrorism efforts have considerable bearing on the relationship between Muslim immigrants an...
Recent UK media reports have often portrayed Muslim communities in a negative light (Allen, 2010). I...
Police rely on information and assistance from the community in order to disrupt and prevent acts of...
Police engagement of Muslim communities to prevent terrorism is fraught with tension. This paper pre...
There are many measures of the success of counter terrorism policing. Critical indicators include wh...
The changing landscape of police-faith relations in the UK presents challenges to policing policy an...
Policing among Muslim communities in the UK is becoming exceptionally prevalent. The ‘prevent’ strat...
It is recognised that community cooperation is central to mitigating the risks of terrorism. This ha...
The police and their sister institution police security service (PST) security and intelligence gath...
Due to the geopolitical changes in the world, police officers have to understand culture and religio...
Twelve years after the September 11th attacks, countering domestic terrorism remains a top priority...
Although many studies have investigated minority discrimination in the criminal justice system, only...
Effectively engaging the Muslim community is a challenge for police given many Muslims feel unfairly...
The Community Policing Partnerships Project (CPPP) was one of eight projects implemen...
This study examines the effects of counterterrorism policing tactics on public cooperation among Mus...
Counter-terrorism efforts have considerable bearing on the relationship between Muslim immigrants an...
Recent UK media reports have often portrayed Muslim communities in a negative light (Allen, 2010). I...
Police rely on information and assistance from the community in order to disrupt and prevent acts of...
Police engagement of Muslim communities to prevent terrorism is fraught with tension. This paper pre...
There are many measures of the success of counter terrorism policing. Critical indicators include wh...
The changing landscape of police-faith relations in the UK presents challenges to policing policy an...
Policing among Muslim communities in the UK is becoming exceptionally prevalent. The ‘prevent’ strat...
It is recognised that community cooperation is central to mitigating the risks of terrorism. This ha...
The police and their sister institution police security service (PST) security and intelligence gath...
Due to the geopolitical changes in the world, police officers have to understand culture and religio...
Twelve years after the September 11th attacks, countering domestic terrorism remains a top priority...
Although many studies have investigated minority discrimination in the criminal justice system, only...
Effectively engaging the Muslim community is a challenge for police given many Muslims feel unfairly...
The Community Policing Partnerships Project (CPPP) was one of eight projects implemen...
This study examines the effects of counterterrorism policing tactics on public cooperation among Mus...
Counter-terrorism efforts have considerable bearing on the relationship between Muslim immigrants an...