Title: Hippotourism in České Středohoří (Central Bohemian Uplands) Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to survey the offer of service in territory of České středohoří (Central Bohemian Uplands) Methods: This study is comparing opinions and experiences of 3 woman, who is included in hippotourism in this area. They were answering to the half- structured interview. The second part of study was fasted on inquiry of service in horse tourism. Respondents were answering to short questionary with closed answers. This questionary was based on possibilities and satisfaction with momentarily services in this area. Results: It was found that all interviewed stables are offering horseback riding for beginners and advanced riders. One of the stables of...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
Bachelor thesis deals with agrotourism, positive aspects importance to agriculture and equestrian to...
Title: Hippotourism in České Středohoří (Central Bohemian Uplands) Objectives: The aim of this thesi...
Title: Hippotourism Objective: The aim of this thesis is to perform a literature search about relati...
The work deals with the promotion and development of horse riding in the Vysočina county. The first ...
This thesis was conducted to outline the field of equestrian tourism laying a focus on Hungary and F...
Topic: Horseback riding tourism Goal of the work: Evaluate the condition of extending horseback ridi...
The topic of this thesis is the hipotourism. This kind of tourism often accompanies rural tourism an...
Horsemanship sport and horse riding for pleasure have become more and more popular. A number of hors...
The work deals with the promotion and development of horse riding in the Vysočina Region. The first ...
The thesis deals with the new horse riding discipline in the Czech Republic, called working equitati...
The aim of the study was assess the relevance and feasibility of the development of equestrian touri...
The technical reports present data and its analysis, meta-studies and conceptual studies, and are co...
Equestrian tourism is the perfect combination of time spent healthily, outdoor activities, environme...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
Bachelor thesis deals with agrotourism, positive aspects importance to agriculture and equestrian to...
Title: Hippotourism in České Středohoří (Central Bohemian Uplands) Objectives: The aim of this thesi...
Title: Hippotourism Objective: The aim of this thesis is to perform a literature search about relati...
The work deals with the promotion and development of horse riding in the Vysočina county. The first ...
This thesis was conducted to outline the field of equestrian tourism laying a focus on Hungary and F...
Topic: Horseback riding tourism Goal of the work: Evaluate the condition of extending horseback ridi...
The topic of this thesis is the hipotourism. This kind of tourism often accompanies rural tourism an...
Horsemanship sport and horse riding for pleasure have become more and more popular. A number of hors...
The work deals with the promotion and development of horse riding in the Vysočina Region. The first ...
The thesis deals with the new horse riding discipline in the Czech Republic, called working equitati...
The aim of the study was assess the relevance and feasibility of the development of equestrian touri...
The technical reports present data and its analysis, meta-studies and conceptual studies, and are co...
Equestrian tourism is the perfect combination of time spent healthily, outdoor activities, environme...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
In the last years the necessity of developing equine tourism in Hungary has been called for by exper...
Bachelor thesis deals with agrotourism, positive aspects importance to agriculture and equestrian to...