Easements - A comparison of Czech and Austrian legislation Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the institute of easements and a comparison of selected problems of the law of easements in the Czech and Austrian law. The diploma thesis has two main objectives. The first objective is to provide a basic overview of the legal regulation of selected problems of the law of easements in the Czech and Austrian law. The second objective is then to evaluate, based on this overview, which legal regulation solves these problems better. The subject of comparison in Czech and Austrian law are those selected problems which cause considerable difficulties in practice. These are, firstly, the issue of the creation of an easement by way of usucaption, with...
The General civil code and the private law in Slovakia in the period 1918 - 1938 (comparison of the ...
The topic of this Master's degree thesis is "Comparison of the legislation of the damage liability i...
A B S T R A C T The subject matter of this work is the creation, alteration and termination of easem...
Easements - A comparison of Czech and Austrian legislation Abstract The diploma thesis deals with th...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to try to provide a comprehensive interpretation and analysis of th...
Easements with respect to New Civil Code provisions Abstract In this thesis, I concentrate on the in...
Easements with respect to New Civil Code provisions Abstract In this thesis, I concentrate on the in...
In my doctoral thesis I have focused on legal regulation of easements and rights of neighbours as in...
Vodáková, J. Legal and economic aspects of easement. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brn...
Tato práce se zabývá vymezením institutu věcných břemen v současném právním řádu ČR s přihlédnutím k...
Easements Master's degree thesis deals with easements and describes historical development of this l...
Easement of areas designated for overflowing of floods - Abstract The aim of this thesis is to elabo...
59 Liquidation of the inheritance in Czech and Austrian legislation This diploma thesis is focused o...
This thesis is focused on the limitation of an ownership right to ground, especially to easements, a...
The topic "Invalidity of Legal Acts in the Czech Law in Comparison with the Law of Germany" has been...
The General civil code and the private law in Slovakia in the period 1918 - 1938 (comparison of the ...
The topic of this Master's degree thesis is "Comparison of the legislation of the damage liability i...
A B S T R A C T The subject matter of this work is the creation, alteration and termination of easem...
Easements - A comparison of Czech and Austrian legislation Abstract The diploma thesis deals with th...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to try to provide a comprehensive interpretation and analysis of th...
Easements with respect to New Civil Code provisions Abstract In this thesis, I concentrate on the in...
Easements with respect to New Civil Code provisions Abstract In this thesis, I concentrate on the in...
In my doctoral thesis I have focused on legal regulation of easements and rights of neighbours as in...
Vodáková, J. Legal and economic aspects of easement. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brn...
Tato práce se zabývá vymezením institutu věcných břemen v současném právním řádu ČR s přihlédnutím k...
Easements Master's degree thesis deals with easements and describes historical development of this l...
Easement of areas designated for overflowing of floods - Abstract The aim of this thesis is to elabo...
59 Liquidation of the inheritance in Czech and Austrian legislation This diploma thesis is focused o...
This thesis is focused on the limitation of an ownership right to ground, especially to easements, a...
The topic "Invalidity of Legal Acts in the Czech Law in Comparison with the Law of Germany" has been...
The General civil code and the private law in Slovakia in the period 1918 - 1938 (comparison of the ...
The topic of this Master's degree thesis is "Comparison of the legislation of the damage liability i...
A B S T R A C T The subject matter of this work is the creation, alteration and termination of easem...