Text compression over alphabet of words or syllables brings up a new concern to deal with - the alphabet needs to be transferred between coder and decoder along with the message. Especially with small or middle-sized documents the code of the alphabet forms a signi cant part of the resulting le. Therefore it is desirable to represent the alphabet as dense as possible. The topic of this thesis is a comparison of three approaches to large alphabet compression - static, semiadaptive and adaptive approach. Moreover the potential of static initialization of adaptive methods with frequent words is analyzed. Furthermore a new and highly eff ective method for compression of a set of strings is introduced
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...
Text compression over alphabet of words or syllables brings up a new concern to deal with - the alph...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet ...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet s...
Semistatic byte-oriented word-based compression codes have been shown to be an attractive alternativ...
Classic textual compression methods work over the alphabet of characters or alphabet of words. For l...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet s...
The paper presents the modification of Adaptive Huffman Coding method – lossless data compression te...
Goal of this work was to design and test methods for creating and parsing input data from file or st...
A text written using symbols from a given alphabet can be compressed using the Huffman code, which m...
One of the purposes of this research was to introduce several well-known text compression methods an...
A syllablebased compression is a new method of a text compression, offering interesting tradeoff bet...
There are two basic types of text compression by symbols -- in the first case symbols are represente...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...
Text compression over alphabet of words or syllables brings up a new concern to deal with - the alph...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet ...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet s...
Semistatic byte-oriented word-based compression codes have been shown to be an attractive alternativ...
Classic textual compression methods work over the alphabet of characters or alphabet of words. For l...
Practical applications that employ entropy coding for large alphabets often partition the alphabet s...
The paper presents the modification of Adaptive Huffman Coding method – lossless data compression te...
Goal of this work was to design and test methods for creating and parsing input data from file or st...
A text written using symbols from a given alphabet can be compressed using the Huffman code, which m...
One of the purposes of this research was to introduce several well-known text compression methods an...
A syllablebased compression is a new method of a text compression, offering interesting tradeoff bet...
There are two basic types of text compression by symbols -- in the first case symbols are represente...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...
Provided that an easy mechanism exists for it, it is possible to decompose a text into strings that ...