Impact of intellectual property rights implementation on the development of NAFTA trade

  • Miková, Ivana
Publication date
January 2013


UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD INSTITUT POLITOLOGICKÝCH STUDIÍ Vplyv implementácie práv duševného vlastníctva na rozvoj vnútorného trhu NAFTA Bc. Ivana Miková MAGISTERSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Praha 2013 Abstract: The thesis discusses the impact of intellectual property rights on economic development of NAFTA. It is based on the theoretical assumptions of the new institutional economics and its notion of transaction costs and institutions and their impact on economic growth, in particular the impact of intellectual property rights, which are an important part of the NAFTA treaty and are contained in chapter 17. of the NAFTA Agreement. Their impact is connected with the new growth theory, which considers innovation and new technology as...

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