Mémoires de Géologie Alpine - H.S. n° 32The neogene geodynamic evolution of the Ecuadorian Andes is recorded in the syn-orogenic sedimentary sequences that had been deposited in the forearc basins on the Pacific coast, in the intramontane basins on the chain axis as weil as in the foreland basin on the Amazonian side. Based on seismic sections, wells and field data, we performed a stratigraphic and structural analysis and estimated sedimentary mass accumulation rates in these basins. The Neogene evolution can be divided in four stages: 1) During the Lower Miocene (23-21 to 14-12 My), clay sedimentary fluxes are supplying the Manabi and Progreso forearc basins. The tectonic activity and geometry of these basins are mainly controlled by dextr...