Cognitive Bias Modification for paranoia (CBM-pa) is a novel, theory-driven psychological intervention targeting the biased interpretation of emotional ambiguity associated with paranoia. Study objectives were (i) test the intervention's feasibility, (ii) provide effect size estimates, (iii) assess dose-response and (iv) select primary outcomes for future trials. In a double-blind randomised controlled trial, sixty-three outpatients with clinically significant paranoia were randomised to either CBM-pa or an active control (text reading) between April 2016 and September 2017. Patients received one 40 min session per week for 6 weeks. Assessments were given at baseline, after each interim session, post-treatment, and at 1- and 3-months post-t...
Background: Recently, the efficacy of a novel virtual reality based cognitive behavior therapy (VR-C...
Background and Objectives: Delusional beliefs with persecutory content are common in psychosis, but ...
Examples of CBM-pa and control conditions. Figure S1a. Instructions for the task are included within...
Background: Cognitive Bias Modification for paranoia (CBM-pa) is a novel, theory-driven psychologica...
The study was a feasibility, double-blind randomized controlled trial of CBM-pa treatment for clinic...
BACKGROUND: Persecutory delusions are the most common type of delusions in psychosis and present in ...
BACKGROUND: Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) has been used successfully as a computer-based interve...
Background: Bentall, Corcoran, Howard, Blackwood, and Kinderman (2001) suggested that paranoid indi...
Background and objectives: Cognitive models of psychosis implicate interpretation biases as one of t...
The Threat Anticipation Model (Freeman, 2007) implicates social anxiety and reasoning biases in the ...
Background: Cognitive bias modification (CBM) interventions are strongly advocated in research and c...
More than 10% of the general population regularly experience paranoid thoughts. Persecutory delusion...
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article published in Psychological Medicine.Backgroun...
Background and objectives: The Threat Anticipation Model (Freeman, 2007) implicates social anxiety, ...
Objective: Hostility is a transdiagnostic phenomenon that can have a profound negative impact on in...
Background: Recently, the efficacy of a novel virtual reality based cognitive behavior therapy (VR-C...
Background and Objectives: Delusional beliefs with persecutory content are common in psychosis, but ...
Examples of CBM-pa and control conditions. Figure S1a. Instructions for the task are included within...
Background: Cognitive Bias Modification for paranoia (CBM-pa) is a novel, theory-driven psychologica...
The study was a feasibility, double-blind randomized controlled trial of CBM-pa treatment for clinic...
BACKGROUND: Persecutory delusions are the most common type of delusions in psychosis and present in ...
BACKGROUND: Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) has been used successfully as a computer-based interve...
Background: Bentall, Corcoran, Howard, Blackwood, and Kinderman (2001) suggested that paranoid indi...
Background and objectives: Cognitive models of psychosis implicate interpretation biases as one of t...
The Threat Anticipation Model (Freeman, 2007) implicates social anxiety and reasoning biases in the ...
Background: Cognitive bias modification (CBM) interventions are strongly advocated in research and c...
More than 10% of the general population regularly experience paranoid thoughts. Persecutory delusion...
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article published in Psychological Medicine.Backgroun...
Background and objectives: The Threat Anticipation Model (Freeman, 2007) implicates social anxiety, ...
Objective: Hostility is a transdiagnostic phenomenon that can have a profound negative impact on in...
Background: Recently, the efficacy of a novel virtual reality based cognitive behavior therapy (VR-C...
Background and Objectives: Delusional beliefs with persecutory content are common in psychosis, but ...
Examples of CBM-pa and control conditions. Figure S1a. Instructions for the task are included within...