According to the current concept, acupuncture will involve the body’s vital energy associated with electrical properties at acupuncture and non-acupuncture points, which appear to correlate with changes in charge flow/accumulation. These changes will be inherent to health/disease conditions. However, these correlations are still under discussion and study. In this work, an acquisition system for bioelectrical signals obtained from electrodes placed in acupuncture points and non-acupuncture points was developed, allowing a simultaneous study of flow and charge accumulation. With the obtained results, a comparative study between the changes registered in different points and previous results is made. Moreover, try to create a simp...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted in...
According to conventional wisdom within the acupuncture community, acupuncture points and meridians ...
Change in amplitude of skin potential is one of the physiological indicators of electrodermal activi...
Background. Since the 1950s, many studies have been conducted on the electrical properties of acupun...
Acupuncture is one of the areas among the alternative therapies that arouses high curiosity in the b...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW Salatig...
The general field of energy medicine is growing strongly but is still in great need of reliable moni...
Abstract Background Due to controversially discussed results in scientific literature concerning cha...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.Title: Application of neurophysiological method...
Objective. Acupuncture points are reportedly distinguishable by their electrical properties. However...
Objectives: Many studies have investigated the electric specificity of meridian and acupoint. Howeve...
Background. Thoughts about the informativeness of the parameters of acupuncture points are ambiguous...
AbstractAcupuncture in Oriental medicine has been widely used as a core therapeutic method due to it...
Acupuncture treatment has been reported to reduce pain. It could inhibit sympathetic activation duri...
The purpose of this project was to investigate an energy-based model of chronic pain. Given skeptici...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted in...
According to conventional wisdom within the acupuncture community, acupuncture points and meridians ...
Change in amplitude of skin potential is one of the physiological indicators of electrodermal activi...
Background. Since the 1950s, many studies have been conducted on the electrical properties of acupun...
Acupuncture is one of the areas among the alternative therapies that arouses high curiosity in the b...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW Salatig...
The general field of energy medicine is growing strongly but is still in great need of reliable moni...
Abstract Background Due to controversially discussed results in scientific literature concerning cha...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.Title: Application of neurophysiological method...
Objective. Acupuncture points are reportedly distinguishable by their electrical properties. However...
Objectives: Many studies have investigated the electric specificity of meridian and acupoint. Howeve...
Background. Thoughts about the informativeness of the parameters of acupuncture points are ambiguous...
AbstractAcupuncture in Oriental medicine has been widely used as a core therapeutic method due to it...
Acupuncture treatment has been reported to reduce pain. It could inhibit sympathetic activation duri...
The purpose of this project was to investigate an energy-based model of chronic pain. Given skeptici...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted in...
According to conventional wisdom within the acupuncture community, acupuncture points and meridians ...
Change in amplitude of skin potential is one of the physiological indicators of electrodermal activi...