Peranan Bagian Survei dalam Menentukan Kelayakan Konsumen Mendapatkan Kredit Motor: (Studi pada PT. Federal Internasional Finance Cabang Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan)

  • Suradi
  • Erlangga, Galang Pratama
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Publication date
July 2022
Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung


This study explains the role of the survey section in determining the eligibility of consumers to get motorcycle financing (study at PT. Federal Internasional Finance Sidomulyo South Lampung Region). The survey section is an important important of the company's progress, because the survey section has the task of assessing potential customers who will apply for credit. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the role of the survey section in determining the eligibility of consumers to get a motorcycle financing, which has several indicators, including: Character (character), Capacity (capacity), Capital (capital), Collateral (collateral), and Condition (condition). This research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods and d...

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