Secondary Infertility due to Fetal Bone Retention: A systematic literature review

  • Agolli, Arjola
  • Lawrence, Jannel A
  • Maskey, Upasana
  • Loh, Hanyou
  • Parikh, Charmy
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Publication date
November 2022
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal


Prolonged intrauterine retention of fetal bones during an abortion procedure can lead to secondary infertility. This review aimed to raise awareness among obstetric/gynaecologists about the possibility of this condition. A total of 17 case reports, seven case series and one retrospective study were included in this review, with 75 patients in total. Overall, 60% had a pregnancy termination in the second trimester, while 20% had a termination during the first trimester. Hysteroscopic resection was used to remove the intrauterine fetal bones in 69% of patients. In total, 59% of patients conceived following the procedure, 1% conceived despite the presence of intrauterine bones, 24% could not conceive at the time of the study and 16% had an unk...

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