Ultrabroadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering for gas temperature and concentration measurements

  • Ran, Yang
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Publication date
January 2021


The aim of this work was to investigate and extend the capability of the ultrabroadband CARS technique for temperature and concentration measurements for multiple species and a wide range of practical applications, especially for gasification diagnostics. Practical gasification or combustion devices mainly work under high pressures. Therefore, a sufficiently short probe pulse (~2 ps) was utilized for collision-free measurements. In order to simultaneously excite multiple gas species with Raman shifts up to ~4200 cm-1, a ~7 fs pump/Stokes beam was used. Both beams are generated by a 200 kHz BBO-based OPCPA system. Based on this configuration, the experimental methods and the theoretical framework for temperature and concentration determinati...

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