Herbal medicine, a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), is used throughout the world, in both developing and developed countries. The ingredients in herbal medicines are not standardized by any regulatory agency. Variability exists in the ingredients as well as in their concentrations. Plant products may become contaminated with bacteria and fungi during storage. Therefore, harm can occur to the kidney, liver, and blood components after ingestion. We encourage scientific studies to identify the active ingredients in herbs and to standardize their concentrations in all herbal preparations. Rigorous studies need to be performed in order to understand the effect of herbal ingredients on different organ systems as well as these...
The number of people seeking alternate and herbal product are growing exponentially. Herbal medicine...
Traditional medicine is an important component of the health care system throughout world. Herbal me...
During the latter part of this century the practice of herbalism has become mainstream throughout th...
Herbal medicine, a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), is used throughout the worl...
The objective of this literature research project is to analyze the medicinal effects of three widel...
Patients who self-medicate with herbs for preventive and therapeutic purposes may assume that these ...
Complementary and alternative therapies, including herbal products, have become increasingly popular...
ABSTRACT Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years. It is estimated that 80% of world po...
Herbal Formulations are highly popular worldwide because of the less side effect of the herbal formu...
Many complex herbal mixtures are already commonly used worldwide, either for primary health care or ...
Plants have been used in the treatment of many diseases since ancient times, while also having serve...
A huge number of individuals today use herbs as drug alongside medicine and non-physician recommende...
Pharmacovigilance is essential for developing reliable information on the safety of herbal medicines...
Herbal medicine (HM) use is growing worldwide. Single herb preparations, ethnic and modern HM formul...
The increasing popularity world-wide of using herbal medicinal materials (HMM) from ethnic tradition...
The number of people seeking alternate and herbal product are growing exponentially. Herbal medicine...
Traditional medicine is an important component of the health care system throughout world. Herbal me...
During the latter part of this century the practice of herbalism has become mainstream throughout th...
Herbal medicine, a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), is used throughout the worl...
The objective of this literature research project is to analyze the medicinal effects of three widel...
Patients who self-medicate with herbs for preventive and therapeutic purposes may assume that these ...
Complementary and alternative therapies, including herbal products, have become increasingly popular...
ABSTRACT Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years. It is estimated that 80% of world po...
Herbal Formulations are highly popular worldwide because of the less side effect of the herbal formu...
Many complex herbal mixtures are already commonly used worldwide, either for primary health care or ...
Plants have been used in the treatment of many diseases since ancient times, while also having serve...
A huge number of individuals today use herbs as drug alongside medicine and non-physician recommende...
Pharmacovigilance is essential for developing reliable information on the safety of herbal medicines...
Herbal medicine (HM) use is growing worldwide. Single herb preparations, ethnic and modern HM formul...
The increasing popularity world-wide of using herbal medicinal materials (HMM) from ethnic tradition...
The number of people seeking alternate and herbal product are growing exponentially. Herbal medicine...
Traditional medicine is an important component of the health care system throughout world. Herbal me...
During the latter part of this century the practice of herbalism has become mainstream throughout th...