Various problems on a slope can be influenced by several factors such as slope geometry and also the property value of the slope. The polemic regarding the exhibition conducted on the mining business license of PT. Kalimantan Prima Nusantara which has an area of 1500 hectares. PT. Kalimantan Prima Nusantara, there is a coal mining company located in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan. The slope conditions in the mining area require attention to the stability of the slopes due to the lithological conditions of the research area found types of sedimentary rocks in terms of engineering geology or rock mass weathering class into the rock category. highly weathered – rock that is completely weathered. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ...
In Malaysia, rock slope stability analysis has been largely confined to kinematic analysis with rock...
PT. Gunungbayan Pratama Coal Block I operates a coal mine located Muara Muntai, District Kutai Karta...
PT. Perkasa Inakakerta is a national private company engaged in the mining of coal which had a minin...
The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intack rock strength, dis...
The stability of slope, both on the slope of work and the final slope, is a very important aspect of...
Due to the occurrence of slope failure at Pit A, on both side-wall and low-wall geotechnical study h...
PT Cipta Kridatama Jobsite PT Kuansing Inti Makmur conducts mining using the open pit mining methode...
PT. Seluma Prima Coal is a company engaged in coal mining located in Rangkilig Village, Mandiangin D...
Mine planning is an important part of mining activity. Improper mine plan will increase production c...
Post-mining slopes have the potential for landslides caused by factors such as slope geometry, rock ...
For an open pit mine, the rock slope stability is one of the major significant challenges at every s...
The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intact rock strength, dis...
PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk is a well-known company for cement production in Cilacap, Central Java, Ind...
The objective of this research is to evaluate the stability of the natural slopes at the inlet and o...
The objective of the numerical modelling study and slope stability analysis using the finite element...
In Malaysia, rock slope stability analysis has been largely confined to kinematic analysis with rock...
PT. Gunungbayan Pratama Coal Block I operates a coal mine located Muara Muntai, District Kutai Karta...
PT. Perkasa Inakakerta is a national private company engaged in the mining of coal which had a minin...
The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intack rock strength, dis...
The stability of slope, both on the slope of work and the final slope, is a very important aspect of...
Due to the occurrence of slope failure at Pit A, on both side-wall and low-wall geotechnical study h...
PT Cipta Kridatama Jobsite PT Kuansing Inti Makmur conducts mining using the open pit mining methode...
PT. Seluma Prima Coal is a company engaged in coal mining located in Rangkilig Village, Mandiangin D...
Mine planning is an important part of mining activity. Improper mine plan will increase production c...
Post-mining slopes have the potential for landslides caused by factors such as slope geometry, rock ...
For an open pit mine, the rock slope stability is one of the major significant challenges at every s...
The stability of rock slopes is controlled by several factors, such as the intact rock strength, dis...
PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk is a well-known company for cement production in Cilacap, Central Java, Ind...
The objective of this research is to evaluate the stability of the natural slopes at the inlet and o...
The objective of the numerical modelling study and slope stability analysis using the finite element...
In Malaysia, rock slope stability analysis has been largely confined to kinematic analysis with rock...
PT. Gunungbayan Pratama Coal Block I operates a coal mine located Muara Muntai, District Kutai Karta...
PT. Perkasa Inakakerta is a national private company engaged in the mining of coal which had a minin...