In the years immediately following World War II, the nation experienced an ultra-conservative reaction to the social and economic policies fostered during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s unprecedented four-term presidency. Beginning in the late 1930s a coalition of conservative Republicans and southern Democrats set out to scuttle those aspects of the New Deal which they found most inimical to their ideology. When the Republicans regained control of the Congress in 1946, it signaled the beginning of a concerted effort to dismantle all but the most essential governmental spending programs. One of the federal bureaucracies singled out for annihilation— it did not enjoy the support of a powerful national constituency and therefore became politically v...
As late at the 1950s, the Florida Seminoles were among the least acculturated of North American Indi...
The treaty of Moultrie Creek or Camp Moultrie, of 1823, quickly revealed more weaknesses than streng...
Despite the painful legacy of post-World War II federal Indian policy, the issue of termination duri...
In March 1935, some two years following his appointment as commissioner of Indian Affairs by Preside...
Between 1750 and 1810, the Muskogee Indians held the upper hand in intercolonial affairs and made Fl...
In 1930, special agent Roy Nash entered the swamps of the Everglades and came face-to-face with a Se...
In Grant Foreman\u27s outstanding book Indian Removal, the classic account of the Five Civilized Tri...
The territory embraced within the state of Florida was not acquired by the United States through dir...
Message on the Seminole Indians. [676] Refusal of the Seminoles to remove from Florida under the tre...
Long before the Florida Seminoles received federal recognition as a tribe in 1957 under the Indian R...
In Florida there are four reservations for Indians— three established by the federal government and ...
Between the Civil War and the 1930s, white impressions of Seminoles changed as Anglo-Americans encou...
The Seminole War. - The treaty negotiated with the Florida tribes of Indians at Moultrie Creek, Sept...
Before the outbreak of the Seminole Indian War in 1835 the northern counties of East Florida were in...
The Florida Seminoles at the beginning of the twentieth century enjoyed a relatively good life. The ...
As late at the 1950s, the Florida Seminoles were among the least acculturated of North American Indi...
The treaty of Moultrie Creek or Camp Moultrie, of 1823, quickly revealed more weaknesses than streng...
Despite the painful legacy of post-World War II federal Indian policy, the issue of termination duri...
In March 1935, some two years following his appointment as commissioner of Indian Affairs by Preside...
Between 1750 and 1810, the Muskogee Indians held the upper hand in intercolonial affairs and made Fl...
In 1930, special agent Roy Nash entered the swamps of the Everglades and came face-to-face with a Se...
In Grant Foreman\u27s outstanding book Indian Removal, the classic account of the Five Civilized Tri...
The territory embraced within the state of Florida was not acquired by the United States through dir...
Message on the Seminole Indians. [676] Refusal of the Seminoles to remove from Florida under the tre...
Long before the Florida Seminoles received federal recognition as a tribe in 1957 under the Indian R...
In Florida there are four reservations for Indians— three established by the federal government and ...
Between the Civil War and the 1930s, white impressions of Seminoles changed as Anglo-Americans encou...
The Seminole War. - The treaty negotiated with the Florida tribes of Indians at Moultrie Creek, Sept...
Before the outbreak of the Seminole Indian War in 1835 the northern counties of East Florida were in...
The Florida Seminoles at the beginning of the twentieth century enjoyed a relatively good life. The ...
As late at the 1950s, the Florida Seminoles were among the least acculturated of North American Indi...
The treaty of Moultrie Creek or Camp Moultrie, of 1823, quickly revealed more weaknesses than streng...
Despite the painful legacy of post-World War II federal Indian policy, the issue of termination duri...