AbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses maskulinisasi pada ikan lele masamo dan bagaimana hasil maskulinisasi ikan lele masamo menggunakan air kelapa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Benih Ikan Lokal Tatatanga, Kota Palu. Hewan uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu larva ikan lele masamo (Clarias sp) berjumlah 360 ekor berumur 7 hari. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan, yaitu : P1 (lama waktu perendaman 5 jam), P2 (lama waktu perendaman 10 jam), P3 (lama waktu perendaman 15 jam) dan P4 (lama perendaman 20 jam). Larva ikan Lele masamo berumur 7 hari direndam dalam air kelapa dengan dosis 30%/L. Pengamatan dilakukan pada umur ikan 40 har...
Partners in the Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMS) are RT 08 RW 02 Pantai Raja Village, P...
Abstrak: Pengelolaan air kolam ikan lele untuk meminimalisir gas amonia menjadi salah satu masalah p...
The purpose of the service community is to improve the knowledge and skills of cultivators so that t...
Salah satu masalah yang sering didapatkan oleh para petani ikan adalah penyakit pada tubuh ikan sete...
The purpose of this research is for knowing the different effect of coconut water with long submirsi...
This research activity was conducted at Balai Pembenihan, Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tateli from...
Dwinanti et al, 2019. Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) Masculinization Using Coconut Water (C...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of differences in the duration of immer...
ABSTRACT Masculinization is a method of sex reversal technique that can direct sexual...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of different Artemia feeding period on t...
Masculinization is one method of sex reversal technique that can direct the sex of fish. The aim of ...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the solution to the abundance paci- paci Trichodin...
ABSTRAKPermintaan produksi lele dumbo yang tinggi di Provinsi Bali belum mampu dimaksimalkan peluang...
Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang melibatkan kelompok budidaya ikan lele dan Dengan mitra...
Catfish is a freshwater fishery commodity that is widely cultivated in Indonesia because demand cont...
Partners in the Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMS) are RT 08 RW 02 Pantai Raja Village, P...
Abstrak: Pengelolaan air kolam ikan lele untuk meminimalisir gas amonia menjadi salah satu masalah p...
The purpose of the service community is to improve the knowledge and skills of cultivators so that t...
Salah satu masalah yang sering didapatkan oleh para petani ikan adalah penyakit pada tubuh ikan sete...
The purpose of this research is for knowing the different effect of coconut water with long submirsi...
This research activity was conducted at Balai Pembenihan, Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tateli from...
Dwinanti et al, 2019. Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) Masculinization Using Coconut Water (C...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of differences in the duration of immer...
ABSTRACT Masculinization is a method of sex reversal technique that can direct sexual...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of different Artemia feeding period on t...
Masculinization is one method of sex reversal technique that can direct the sex of fish. The aim of ...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the solution to the abundance paci- paci Trichodin...
ABSTRAKPermintaan produksi lele dumbo yang tinggi di Provinsi Bali belum mampu dimaksimalkan peluang...
Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang melibatkan kelompok budidaya ikan lele dan Dengan mitra...
Catfish is a freshwater fishery commodity that is widely cultivated in Indonesia because demand cont...
Partners in the Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMS) are RT 08 RW 02 Pantai Raja Village, P...
Abstrak: Pengelolaan air kolam ikan lele untuk meminimalisir gas amonia menjadi salah satu masalah p...
The purpose of the service community is to improve the knowledge and skills of cultivators so that t...