This Master’s thesis analyses the relationship between per capita economic growth and per capita greenhouse gas emissions in Iceland 1990-2018, using the Environmental Kuznets Curve, Granger causality analysis, and Tapio’s decoupling indicator. Firstly, the existence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve was examined. Secondly, causality relations between changes in per capita GDP and changes in per capita greenhouse gas emissions were studied through Granger causality analysis. Lastly, the decoupling stages of per capita greenhouse gas emissions and per capita GDP were studied using Tapio’s decoupling indicator. Decoupling stages derived from the decoupling analysis were then linked to different stages of the Environmental Kuznets Curve based ...
Over the last decade, several studies evaluated the nexus between energy and economic growth, motiva...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis er að túlka niðurstöður rannsókna á setkjarna GJÖ15-2A-2B-02 sem tekinn va...
Loftslagsbreytingar af mannavöldum eru fjölþætt og flókið vandamál sem hefur áhrif á öll ríki, samfé...
One of the largest issues today is climate change. The countries that bear the biggest responsibilit...
Climate change is a threat to eco-systems and humanity. Fishing vessels burning oil are responsible ...
Síðustu ár hefur mikil umræða verið um umhverfismál og hvaða þættir það eru sem skaða umhverfið. Síf...
The heavy industry is under immense pressure to reduce emissions and is transitioning towards a low-...
The paper summarizes the principal notions of Kuznets hypothesis and Environmental Kuznets Curve as ...
The paper summarizes the principal notions of Kuznets hypothesis and Environmental Kuznets Curve as ...
In the last century, the conversion of peatlands to grasslands through drainage was a popular method...
The tourism industry plays a major role in the Icelandic economy. Tourism can bring about economical...
The dynamics of economic growth implies a greater energy and natural resource consumption, because t...
Í íslenskri byggðastefnu hefur aukin áhersla verið á að efla svæðisbundna ákvörðunartöku fólks í hé...
Ritgerð lokuð til 1 maí 2015Skoðuð verður framlegð af rekstri VIST hjá Símanum fyrir árið 2010 og fj...
Ecological footprint (EF) analysis has been introduced as an indicator of ecological sustainability....
Over the last decade, several studies evaluated the nexus between energy and economic growth, motiva...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis er að túlka niðurstöður rannsókna á setkjarna GJÖ15-2A-2B-02 sem tekinn va...
Loftslagsbreytingar af mannavöldum eru fjölþætt og flókið vandamál sem hefur áhrif á öll ríki, samfé...
One of the largest issues today is climate change. The countries that bear the biggest responsibilit...
Climate change is a threat to eco-systems and humanity. Fishing vessels burning oil are responsible ...
Síðustu ár hefur mikil umræða verið um umhverfismál og hvaða þættir það eru sem skaða umhverfið. Síf...
The heavy industry is under immense pressure to reduce emissions and is transitioning towards a low-...
The paper summarizes the principal notions of Kuznets hypothesis and Environmental Kuznets Curve as ...
The paper summarizes the principal notions of Kuznets hypothesis and Environmental Kuznets Curve as ...
In the last century, the conversion of peatlands to grasslands through drainage was a popular method...
The tourism industry plays a major role in the Icelandic economy. Tourism can bring about economical...
The dynamics of economic growth implies a greater energy and natural resource consumption, because t...
Í íslenskri byggðastefnu hefur aukin áhersla verið á að efla svæðisbundna ákvörðunartöku fólks í hé...
Ritgerð lokuð til 1 maí 2015Skoðuð verður framlegð af rekstri VIST hjá Símanum fyrir árið 2010 og fj...
Ecological footprint (EF) analysis has been introduced as an indicator of ecological sustainability....
Over the last decade, several studies evaluated the nexus between energy and economic growth, motiva...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis er að túlka niðurstöður rannsókna á setkjarna GJÖ15-2A-2B-02 sem tekinn va...
Loftslagsbreytingar af mannavöldum eru fjölþætt og flókið vandamál sem hefur áhrif á öll ríki, samfé...