"Growing interest in the History of the Pacific Northwest is shown by the successful Northwest Histo...
"Professor Arthur Charles Cole, of Western Reserve University, is making many friends in the Pacific...
"At the Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association to be held in June a series of paper...
"The twenty-first annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held at Gearhar...
"The Nineteeth Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held at Vencouver,...
"The twenty-sixth annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held in Portlan...
"The interest which librarians take in their work is shown by the fact that 166 out of 280 members i...
"An interesting group of historians are visiting in the Northwest while serving as guest members of ...
"The fourth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association was he...
Presented at the 2009 pacific Northwest History Conference in a panel organized by Michale J. Paulus...
"The Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association held a special meeting at the Unive...
"The Tenth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association was hel...
"The Oregon Historical Society held its fourteenth annual meeting in Portland on December 21, 1912.
"At its recent meeting in Olympia, the Pacific Northwest Library Association authorized the publicat...
"Miss Alma M. Russell, of the Provincial Library of B.C and Miss Ruth Montague, of the Library Assoc...
"Growing interest in the History of the Pacific Northwest is shown by the successful Northwest Histo...
"Professor Arthur Charles Cole, of Western Reserve University, is making many friends in the Pacific...
"At the Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association to be held in June a series of paper...
"The twenty-first annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held at Gearhar...
"The Nineteeth Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held at Vencouver,...
"The twenty-sixth annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association was held in Portlan...
"The interest which librarians take in their work is shown by the fact that 166 out of 280 members i...
"An interesting group of historians are visiting in the Northwest while serving as guest members of ...
"The fourth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association was he...
Presented at the 2009 pacific Northwest History Conference in a panel organized by Michale J. Paulus...
"The Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association held a special meeting at the Unive...
"The Tenth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association was hel...
"The Oregon Historical Society held its fourteenth annual meeting in Portland on December 21, 1912.
"At its recent meeting in Olympia, the Pacific Northwest Library Association authorized the publicat...
"Miss Alma M. Russell, of the Provincial Library of B.C and Miss Ruth Montague, of the Library Assoc...
"Growing interest in the History of the Pacific Northwest is shown by the successful Northwest Histo...
"Professor Arthur Charles Cole, of Western Reserve University, is making many friends in the Pacific...
"At the Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association to be held in June a series of paper...