This paper contributes to the burgeoning critical literature on the history of cartography by tracki...
"Two years ago Judge F.W. Howay discovered the site of Fort Fork on Peace River which was the last s...
"Under this title the Daily Province of Vancouver, British Columbia, published on June 24, 1929, an ...
"The Oregon Historical Quarterly for March and June, 1932, has published portions of the Vancouver '...
"Mr. John Forsyth, Provincial Librarian of British Columbia, has been cooperating with a Victoria Ch...
"An important item in the early history of Washington Territory was discovered and announced in the ...
"Two more original letters by the great English explorer, Captain George Vancouver, have come to lig...
"[The booklet] emanates from the birthplace of the great English navigator and is intended as a trib...
"The Native Sons of British Columbia have determined to honor the grave of the great explorer, Capta...
"This journal is by no means as full or as finished in style as that of Vancouver, but it will certa...
"From August 23 to 27, a party of thirty interested in history cruised over the route followed by Ca...
Postcard of the bastion at Fort Vancouver in Vancouver, Washington. | The original Bastion was built...
North by East piece on the Snow Squall, a clipper ship built in South Portland in 1851 and abandone...
"The vessel in which we are especially interested today is the ship belonging to Mr. Sidenham Teast-...
"'The Agent-General of British Columbia was yesterday presented with the earliest original archives ...
This paper contributes to the burgeoning critical literature on the history of cartography by tracki...
"Two years ago Judge F.W. Howay discovered the site of Fort Fork on Peace River which was the last s...
"Under this title the Daily Province of Vancouver, British Columbia, published on June 24, 1929, an ...
"The Oregon Historical Quarterly for March and June, 1932, has published portions of the Vancouver '...
"Mr. John Forsyth, Provincial Librarian of British Columbia, has been cooperating with a Victoria Ch...
"An important item in the early history of Washington Territory was discovered and announced in the ...
"Two more original letters by the great English explorer, Captain George Vancouver, have come to lig...
"[The booklet] emanates from the birthplace of the great English navigator and is intended as a trib...
"The Native Sons of British Columbia have determined to honor the grave of the great explorer, Capta...
"This journal is by no means as full or as finished in style as that of Vancouver, but it will certa...
"From August 23 to 27, a party of thirty interested in history cruised over the route followed by Ca...
Postcard of the bastion at Fort Vancouver in Vancouver, Washington. | The original Bastion was built...
North by East piece on the Snow Squall, a clipper ship built in South Portland in 1851 and abandone...
"The vessel in which we are especially interested today is the ship belonging to Mr. Sidenham Teast-...
"'The Agent-General of British Columbia was yesterday presented with the earliest original archives ...
This paper contributes to the burgeoning critical literature on the history of cartography by tracki...
"Two years ago Judge F.W. Howay discovered the site of Fort Fork on Peace River which was the last s...
"Under this title the Daily Province of Vancouver, British Columbia, published on June 24, 1929, an ...