"One result of the recent publication of a Checklist of Pacific Northwest Americana has been the bringing to light of additional titles and additions.
"Another copy of Travels in North america has been obtained by Winlock W. Miller, Junior, and donate...
"The University of Washington Library has recently received A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Be...
"The University Library has received from Mr. H. C. Force of Seattle a collection of valuable books ...
"Readers of this Quarterly will accordingly be interested in knowing that a new edition is now in pr...
Washington, was induced by fellow librarians to prepare a co-operative check list of books and pamph...
"Miss E. Ruth Rockwood of the Library Association of Portland has practically completed an exhaustiv...
"The appearance of Volume 26 of the American Book-prices Current affords a new means of judging mark...
"At its recent meeting in Olympia, the Pacific Northwest Library Association authorized the publicat...
"The Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926 is of special inte...
"The Quarterly is in receipt of a mimeographed 'List of Canadian books contained in the Victoria Pub...
"Librarians in the Pacific Northwest have but followed the logic of… preparing a bibliography of the...
"At the Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association to be held in June a series of paper...
"At the Seventeenth Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association held at Big Four, Washin...
"This volume recently issued contains the record of books sold at auction in America during the peri...
"Collectors should not overlook an important house organ issued by the Hudson's Bay Company, entitle...
"Another copy of Travels in North america has been obtained by Winlock W. Miller, Junior, and donate...
"The University of Washington Library has recently received A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Be...
"The University Library has received from Mr. H. C. Force of Seattle a collection of valuable books ...
"Readers of this Quarterly will accordingly be interested in knowing that a new edition is now in pr...
Washington, was induced by fellow librarians to prepare a co-operative check list of books and pamph...
"Miss E. Ruth Rockwood of the Library Association of Portland has practically completed an exhaustiv...
"The appearance of Volume 26 of the American Book-prices Current affords a new means of judging mark...
"At its recent meeting in Olympia, the Pacific Northwest Library Association authorized the publicat...
"The Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926 is of special inte...
"The Quarterly is in receipt of a mimeographed 'List of Canadian books contained in the Victoria Pub...
"Librarians in the Pacific Northwest have but followed the logic of… preparing a bibliography of the...
"At the Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association to be held in June a series of paper...
"At the Seventeenth Conference of the Pacific Northwest Library Association held at Big Four, Washin...
"This volume recently issued contains the record of books sold at auction in America during the peri...
"Collectors should not overlook an important house organ issued by the Hudson's Bay Company, entitle...
"Another copy of Travels in North america has been obtained by Winlock W. Miller, Junior, and donate...
"The University of Washington Library has recently received A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Be...
"The University Library has received from Mr. H. C. Force of Seattle a collection of valuable books ...