"Edward S. Curtis who has devoted his life to research and photograph North American Indians finally...
"A historical event occurred in Olympia on December 10, when there was celebrated with appropriate h...
"On Saturday, September 4, 1926, with elaborate ceremonies, the pioneer monument as Alki Point was r...
"On August 15, the old settlers of Southwestern Washington held a reunion at Rochester.
"On July 22, the Richard E. Brooks statue of Governor John H. McGraw was unveiled with appropriate c...
"The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Yukon Order of Pioneers was held in Dawson, Yukon Terr...
"From August 23 to 27, a party of thirty interested in history cruised over the route followed by Ca...
"The centennial of the first settlement by white men on the shores of Puget Sound was recognized wit...
"At a public ceremony on June 3, 1930, the graduating class of Whitman College, Walla Walla, will pr...
"On Sunday, May 21, 1933, a bronze plaque was placed on the building at the southwest corner of Seco...
"The Native Sons of British Columbia have determined to honor the grave of the great explorer, Capta...
"On June 9, 1928, appropriate ceremonies commemorated the placing of markers at Fort Nisqually, firs...
"In addition to the account of the Custer semi-centennial ceremonies by the Indian war veterans and ...
"Seattle had two wives and several concubines… The only reference we have was given by Angeline, his...
"Flag Day… was celebrated with unusual fervor this year. The principal address in Seattle was delive...
"Edward S. Curtis who has devoted his life to research and photograph North American Indians finally...
"A historical event occurred in Olympia on December 10, when there was celebrated with appropriate h...
"On Saturday, September 4, 1926, with elaborate ceremonies, the pioneer monument as Alki Point was r...
"On August 15, the old settlers of Southwestern Washington held a reunion at Rochester.
"On July 22, the Richard E. Brooks statue of Governor John H. McGraw was unveiled with appropriate c...
"The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Yukon Order of Pioneers was held in Dawson, Yukon Terr...
"From August 23 to 27, a party of thirty interested in history cruised over the route followed by Ca...
"The centennial of the first settlement by white men on the shores of Puget Sound was recognized wit...
"At a public ceremony on June 3, 1930, the graduating class of Whitman College, Walla Walla, will pr...
"On Sunday, May 21, 1933, a bronze plaque was placed on the building at the southwest corner of Seco...
"The Native Sons of British Columbia have determined to honor the grave of the great explorer, Capta...
"On June 9, 1928, appropriate ceremonies commemorated the placing of markers at Fort Nisqually, firs...
"In addition to the account of the Custer semi-centennial ceremonies by the Indian war veterans and ...
"Seattle had two wives and several concubines… The only reference we have was given by Angeline, his...
"Flag Day… was celebrated with unusual fervor this year. The principal address in Seattle was delive...
"Edward S. Curtis who has devoted his life to research and photograph North American Indians finally...
"A historical event occurred in Olympia on December 10, when there was celebrated with appropriate h...
"On Saturday, September 4, 1926, with elaborate ceremonies, the pioneer monument as Alki Point was r...