"In 1877 only ten years after Alaska became the property of the United States Sheldon Jackson landed...
"The extended title of this book will undoubtedly attract the general reader of American history, bu...
"The importance of this new publication is much greater therefore than that of an ordinary book sinc...
"He has done well to put in permanent form this all too brief record of that exciting episode in Sea...
"The first of this group of books on Alaska is by far the most important. In fact, for a score of ye...
"The book has its value in that it shows how certain people regard Alaska…not taken pains to consult...
"The University of Washington Library has recently received A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Be...
"Three new volumes received by this Quarterly since the last issue was printed indicates a continuin...
"It is a cross between a guide book and an elementary history of the Alaska Indian tribes.
"Soon after his death, in 1927, it was found that General Frank M. Canton had left among his private...
"Still, a Maritime people are sure to be interested in remarkable achievement by Horace Porter, in f...
"Clarence L. Andrews, who has had years of experience in Government service in Alaska, has returned ...
"The book is a serviceable collection of documents by and relating to Hall J. Kelley, Nathanial J. W...
"This bulky volume by the well known authority on Wisconsin history, Milo M. Quaife, of the Wisconsi...
"There are in this booklet many beautiful illustrations of Indian specimens and the text deals with ...
"In 1877 only ten years after Alaska became the property of the United States Sheldon Jackson landed...
"The extended title of this book will undoubtedly attract the general reader of American history, bu...
"The importance of this new publication is much greater therefore than that of an ordinary book sinc...
"He has done well to put in permanent form this all too brief record of that exciting episode in Sea...
"The first of this group of books on Alaska is by far the most important. In fact, for a score of ye...
"The book has its value in that it shows how certain people regard Alaska…not taken pains to consult...
"The University of Washington Library has recently received A Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868: Be...
"Three new volumes received by this Quarterly since the last issue was printed indicates a continuin...
"It is a cross between a guide book and an elementary history of the Alaska Indian tribes.
"Soon after his death, in 1927, it was found that General Frank M. Canton had left among his private...
"Still, a Maritime people are sure to be interested in remarkable achievement by Horace Porter, in f...
"Clarence L. Andrews, who has had years of experience in Government service in Alaska, has returned ...
"The book is a serviceable collection of documents by and relating to Hall J. Kelley, Nathanial J. W...
"This bulky volume by the well known authority on Wisconsin history, Milo M. Quaife, of the Wisconsi...
"There are in this booklet many beautiful illustrations of Indian specimens and the text deals with ...
"In 1877 only ten years after Alaska became the property of the United States Sheldon Jackson landed...
"The extended title of this book will undoubtedly attract the general reader of American history, bu...
"The importance of this new publication is much greater therefore than that of an ordinary book sinc...