Verbascum thapsus L.Common MulleinMolène communGwen WalkerBiennial weed collected from the wire trials, Horticultural Station, Brooks, Alberta. Stems 1-2m tall, leaves 1-4 dm long, the lower ones petioled, the upper ones sessile. Corolla bright yellow, Moss says ""introduced from Europe. Roadsides and waste places. Occasional in southern Alberta."
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh) Rydb.Scarlet MallowMauve écarlateStn. 439Perennial herb, spreading by r...
Silene cucubalus WibelBladder CampionCampion de la vessieGwen WalkerPerennial with persistant roots....
Convolvulus sepium L.Wild Morning GloryGloire sauvage du matinGwen WalkerPerennial vine collected fr...
Collomia linearis Nutt.CollomiaCollomia(stn. 382)Annual, steams erect 1-4 dm high. Collected along t...
Lappula echinata Gilib.Blue BurFraise bleueGwen WalkerAn introduced weed. Corolla 3-4 mm broad, brig...
Senecio vulgaris L.Common GroundselSéneçon vulgaireGwen WalkerAnnual weed collected by the greenhous...
Convolvulus arvensis L.Field BindweedLiseron des champsG. Walker G. PhilpottPerennial with a deep ex...
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medie.Shepherd's PurseBourse de bergerGwen WalkerAnnual or winter annua...
Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill.Common ChickweedMouron des oiseauxGwen WalkerA prostrate-growing annual ...
Verbascum thapsus Linnaeuscommon mullein;great mullein;flannel mullein;flannel plant;velvet plant;bi...
Malva pusilla L.Round-leaved MallowMauve à feuilles rondesGwen WalkerAnnual herb collected from a wa...
Atriplex hortensis L.Garden AtriplexJardin AtriplexGwen WalkerTall perennial, up to 2m high. Collect...
Amaranthus retroflexus L.Red-root PigweedAmarante à racine rougeGwen WalkerA course annual, spreadin...
Monolepis nuttalliana (Schultes) GreeneSpear-leaved Goosefootchénopode à feuilles élancéesGwen Walke...
Cardaria draba (Schrenk) O.E. SchultzLens-podded Hoary CressCresson des neiges à gousses lentillesGw...
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh) Rydb.Scarlet MallowMauve écarlateStn. 439Perennial herb, spreading by r...
Silene cucubalus WibelBladder CampionCampion de la vessieGwen WalkerPerennial with persistant roots....
Convolvulus sepium L.Wild Morning GloryGloire sauvage du matinGwen WalkerPerennial vine collected fr...
Collomia linearis Nutt.CollomiaCollomia(stn. 382)Annual, steams erect 1-4 dm high. Collected along t...
Lappula echinata Gilib.Blue BurFraise bleueGwen WalkerAn introduced weed. Corolla 3-4 mm broad, brig...
Senecio vulgaris L.Common GroundselSéneçon vulgaireGwen WalkerAnnual weed collected by the greenhous...
Convolvulus arvensis L.Field BindweedLiseron des champsG. Walker G. PhilpottPerennial with a deep ex...
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medie.Shepherd's PurseBourse de bergerGwen WalkerAnnual or winter annua...
Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill.Common ChickweedMouron des oiseauxGwen WalkerA prostrate-growing annual ...
Verbascum thapsus Linnaeuscommon mullein;great mullein;flannel mullein;flannel plant;velvet plant;bi...
Malva pusilla L.Round-leaved MallowMauve à feuilles rondesGwen WalkerAnnual herb collected from a wa...
Atriplex hortensis L.Garden AtriplexJardin AtriplexGwen WalkerTall perennial, up to 2m high. Collect...
Amaranthus retroflexus L.Red-root PigweedAmarante à racine rougeGwen WalkerA course annual, spreadin...
Monolepis nuttalliana (Schultes) GreeneSpear-leaved Goosefootchénopode à feuilles élancéesGwen Walke...
Cardaria draba (Schrenk) O.E. SchultzLens-podded Hoary CressCresson des neiges à gousses lentillesGw...
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh) Rydb.Scarlet MallowMauve écarlateStn. 439Perennial herb, spreading by r...
Silene cucubalus WibelBladder CampionCampion de la vessieGwen WalkerPerennial with persistant roots....
Convolvulus sepium L.Wild Morning GloryGloire sauvage du matinGwen WalkerPerennial vine collected fr...