Populus sargentii DodeWestern CottonwoodPeuplier de l'OuestDiane DouglasSpecies collected from a 50-60 ft tree near the Sure-Gain Feed Mill, Brooks, Alberta
Cardaria draba (Schrenk) O.E. SchultzLens-podded Hoary CressCresson des neiges à gousses lentillesGw...
Populus x (P. deltoides x P. petrowskyana)Brooks #3Ruisseaux #3Wayne Brooks, Gwen WalkerSimilar to B...
Monolepis nuttalliana (Schultes) GreeneSpear-leaved Goosefootchénopode à feuilles élancéesGwen Walke...
Populus sargentii DodeWestern CottonwoodPeuplier de l'OuestD. Douglas, G. Walker, W. BrooksLarge nat...
Populus xHybrid PoplarPeuplier hybrideDiane Douglas, Wayne Brooks, Gwen WalkerSpecimen collected fro...
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) FrancoDouglas FirSapin de DouglasDiane DouglasThe largest tree in Cana...
Cornus canadensis L.BunchberryMyrtilleGwen WalkerSpecimens collected from Cypress Hills Provincial P...
Acer negundo L.Box-ElderBox-AncienDiane DouglasA small to medium tree with trifoliate to pinnately c...
Lonicera maackii Maxim.Amur HoneysuckleChèvrefeuille de l'AmourGwen WalkerA large tree, 8-10 feet in...
Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.Saskatoon-berryAmélanchierLinda Ellefson and Lawrence DalkeThis small tre...
Cornus stolonifera Michx.Red Osier DogwoodCornouiller stolonifèreGwen WalkerA shrub to 6 feet in hei...
Prunus besseyi BaileyWestern Sand CherryCerisier des sables de l'OuestGwen WalkerA very hardy low sh...
Populus balsamifera L.Balsam PoplarPeuplier baumierGwen WalkerTree up to 25m tall with dark furrowed...
Populus x petrowskyana Schneid.(P. laurifolia x P. deltoides)Russian PoplarPeuplier russeGwen Walker...
Crataegus macracantha Lodd.Spike HawthornAubépine épineuseGwen WalkerShrub or small tree with long a...
Cardaria draba (Schrenk) O.E. SchultzLens-podded Hoary CressCresson des neiges à gousses lentillesGw...
Populus x (P. deltoides x P. petrowskyana)Brooks #3Ruisseaux #3Wayne Brooks, Gwen WalkerSimilar to B...
Monolepis nuttalliana (Schultes) GreeneSpear-leaved Goosefootchénopode à feuilles élancéesGwen Walke...
Populus sargentii DodeWestern CottonwoodPeuplier de l'OuestD. Douglas, G. Walker, W. BrooksLarge nat...
Populus xHybrid PoplarPeuplier hybrideDiane Douglas, Wayne Brooks, Gwen WalkerSpecimen collected fro...
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) FrancoDouglas FirSapin de DouglasDiane DouglasThe largest tree in Cana...
Cornus canadensis L.BunchberryMyrtilleGwen WalkerSpecimens collected from Cypress Hills Provincial P...
Acer negundo L.Box-ElderBox-AncienDiane DouglasA small to medium tree with trifoliate to pinnately c...
Lonicera maackii Maxim.Amur HoneysuckleChèvrefeuille de l'AmourGwen WalkerA large tree, 8-10 feet in...
Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.Saskatoon-berryAmélanchierLinda Ellefson and Lawrence DalkeThis small tre...
Cornus stolonifera Michx.Red Osier DogwoodCornouiller stolonifèreGwen WalkerA shrub to 6 feet in hei...
Prunus besseyi BaileyWestern Sand CherryCerisier des sables de l'OuestGwen WalkerA very hardy low sh...
Populus balsamifera L.Balsam PoplarPeuplier baumierGwen WalkerTree up to 25m tall with dark furrowed...
Populus x petrowskyana Schneid.(P. laurifolia x P. deltoides)Russian PoplarPeuplier russeGwen Walker...
Crataegus macracantha Lodd.Spike HawthornAubépine épineuseGwen WalkerShrub or small tree with long a...
Cardaria draba (Schrenk) O.E. SchultzLens-podded Hoary CressCresson des neiges à gousses lentillesGw...
Populus x (P. deltoides x P. petrowskyana)Brooks #3Ruisseaux #3Wayne Brooks, Gwen WalkerSimilar to B...
Monolepis nuttalliana (Schultes) GreeneSpear-leaved Goosefootchénopode à feuilles élancéesGwen Walke...