Amaranthus retroflexus L.Red-root PigweedAmarante à racine rougeHigh River, AlbertaP. MortonWeedy patch along highwa
Phalaris arundinacea Linnaeusreed canary grass;reedgrassalpiste roseau;phalaris roseau;roseau;phalar...
Mimulus ringens Linnaeussquare-stemmed monkeyflower;Allegheny monkeyflower;blue monkeyflowermimule à...
Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) FernaldAmerican hog peanutamphicarpe bractéoléeRat River E of St. ...
Amaranthus retroflexus L.Red-root PigweedAmarante à racine rougeAHRC, Plot 74H. Young, P. MortonWast...
Thlaspi arvense L.StinkweedTabouret des champsHigh River, AlbertaP. MortonRecently cultivated area o...
Several pigweed species are found in the Great Plains. Pigweeds commonly reduce crop yields and inte...
Amaranthus blitoides S. WatsonAmaranthus graecizansprostrate amaranth; mat amaranth; mat pigweed; ma...
Axyris amaranthoides LinnaeusRussian pigweed;upright axyrisansérine de Russie18 km north of St. Mart...
Amaranthus blitoides S. WatsonAmaranthus graecizansprostrate amaranth; mat amaranth; mat pigweed; ma...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= In bosperceel waaruit bomen gekapt zijn en nieuwe aangeplant zijn...
Calamagrostis rubescens Buckleypine reedgrass;pinegrasscalamagrostide rougerubescensGorge Creekopen ...
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Chamerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli subsp. Angustifoliumfireweedépilobe à feuilles étroitesEp...
Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeusspreading dogbane;creeping dogbaneApocynum androsaemifoliumDeerfie...
Dracocephalum parviflorum NuttallAmerican dragonheaddracocéphale parvifloreMoldavica parvifloraLethb...
Phalaris arundinacea Linnaeusreed canary grass;reedgrassalpiste roseau;phalaris roseau;roseau;phalar...
Mimulus ringens Linnaeussquare-stemmed monkeyflower;Allegheny monkeyflower;blue monkeyflowermimule à...
Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) FernaldAmerican hog peanutamphicarpe bractéoléeRat River E of St. ...
Amaranthus retroflexus L.Red-root PigweedAmarante à racine rougeAHRC, Plot 74H. Young, P. MortonWast...
Thlaspi arvense L.StinkweedTabouret des champsHigh River, AlbertaP. MortonRecently cultivated area o...
Several pigweed species are found in the Great Plains. Pigweeds commonly reduce crop yields and inte...
Amaranthus blitoides S. WatsonAmaranthus graecizansprostrate amaranth; mat amaranth; mat pigweed; ma...
Axyris amaranthoides LinnaeusRussian pigweed;upright axyrisansérine de Russie18 km north of St. Mart...
Amaranthus blitoides S. WatsonAmaranthus graecizansprostrate amaranth; mat amaranth; mat pigweed; ma...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= In bosperceel waaruit bomen gekapt zijn en nieuwe aangeplant zijn...
Calamagrostis rubescens Buckleypine reedgrass;pinegrasscalamagrostide rougerubescensGorge Creekopen ...
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Chamerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli subsp. Angustifoliumfireweedépilobe à feuilles étroitesEp...
Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeusspreading dogbane;creeping dogbaneApocynum androsaemifoliumDeerfie...
Dracocephalum parviflorum NuttallAmerican dragonheaddracocéphale parvifloreMoldavica parvifloraLethb...
Phalaris arundinacea Linnaeusreed canary grass;reedgrassalpiste roseau;phalaris roseau;roseau;phalar...
Mimulus ringens Linnaeussquare-stemmed monkeyflower;Allegheny monkeyflower;blue monkeyflowermimule à...
Amphicarpaea bracteata (Linnaeus) FernaldAmerican hog peanutamphicarpe bractéoléeRat River E of St. ...