Photos of Jones, various poses. (On verso: [photo. stamp: Wm E Davis Photography " Little Rock, Arkansas] Dorsey Dee Jones).Jones was a professor of history at the University of Arkansas for more than thirty-five years. He authored "Cephas Washburn and his Work in Arkansas (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Journal Series, 1944)""The Dogger Bank Incident" (Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas Research Paper. Journal Series no. 604, 1940), Edwin Chadwick and the Early Public Health Movement in England (Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Press, 1931), Russia: A Concise History (Harrisburg, Pa.: Stockpole Company, 1955), and Under the Russian Canopy: A History of Russia Old and New (Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 19...