Influence of mother’s age on infant child’s nutrition

  • Moiseeva, Karina
  • Ivanov, Dimitry
  • Alekseeva, Anna.
  • Kharbediya, Shalva
  • Berezkina, Elena
Publication date
August 2020
AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica


In order to study the influence of the mother’s age on thenutrition of children of the first year of life-based on 7 St. Petersburgchildren’s polyclinics, it was conducted a randomsample survey of 1742 mothers who had 1-year-old children.The study found that in obstetric hospitals 20-24 years oldand 40 and older years old mothers planned to breastfeed achild for the longest time, but 18 to 35 years old mothers continuedbreastfeeding for the longest time. With maternal ageincreasing the proportion of refusals of breastfeeding growsdue to the lack of milk and with the need to study or work, butthe proportion of refusals related to the unwillingness of themother to continue breastfeeding decreases. Assessment ofthe impact of age on...

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