The concept of (Taqrib) approximation in the Linguist Heritage. Research topic (theme): The concept of approximation: How did it appear in the Kufic school And how did it evolve in the Linguist Subdivisions. research aims: Trace an idea of (Taqrib) approximation in its inception and evolution to prove the effectiveness of the concept of approximation in all the styles of language communication. The Method: inductive Historical Method. The most important results: -There is a fundamental difference between the Terminologyof approximation and the idea of approximation. - The Terminology disappearance does not mean the idea disappearance, because the Terminologyof approximation has Disappeared, but there are two Terminologyterminology has Appea...
The integration of visual arts into the educational learning process contributes to raising the degr...
إن المشكلات المواجهة فى تدريس اللغة العربية هى كون المدرس ضعيف الكفاءة، فلم تنفذ عملية تدريس اللغة ا...
The oath is two types ,judicial and extrajudicial , judicial oath is decisive Oath and Complementar...
This study aims to explain the effect of occasions on Imam Al- Biqa\u27i nterpretation in his book (...
The Planning of language teaching has to be planned as good as possible to reach the purpose of that...
The study of grammatical structure in the light of the methods provided by phonology is a requiremen...
تواجه المدارس في الوقت الراهن تحديات هائلة استجابة لمجتمع معقد للغاية واقتصاد قائم على التكنولوجيا ،...
The primary aim of the present paper is to investigate the syntactic distribution of middle verbs in...
Corruption is not only related to prosecution of the perpetrators, but more importantly also to the ...
يعتبر حوض الفرات من أهم الأحواض المائية السورية على الإطلاق باعتبار المصدر الرئيسي لمياهه هو نهر الف...
This research aims to study the possibility of designing expressive fashion on the mannequin as a we...
The sociology of development is concerned with revealing the causes of underdevelopment and its poli...
The media uses the image as a tool and a mean to touch the public opinion when it is broadcasted. Th...
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة أثر التمكين النفسي بأبعاده (المعنى، الكفاءة، الا...
This study took upon itself an analysis of the Quranic texts that came in the folds of the words of ...
The integration of visual arts into the educational learning process contributes to raising the degr...
إن المشكلات المواجهة فى تدريس اللغة العربية هى كون المدرس ضعيف الكفاءة، فلم تنفذ عملية تدريس اللغة ا...
The oath is two types ,judicial and extrajudicial , judicial oath is decisive Oath and Complementar...
This study aims to explain the effect of occasions on Imam Al- Biqa\u27i nterpretation in his book (...
The Planning of language teaching has to be planned as good as possible to reach the purpose of that...
The study of grammatical structure in the light of the methods provided by phonology is a requiremen...
تواجه المدارس في الوقت الراهن تحديات هائلة استجابة لمجتمع معقد للغاية واقتصاد قائم على التكنولوجيا ،...
The primary aim of the present paper is to investigate the syntactic distribution of middle verbs in...
Corruption is not only related to prosecution of the perpetrators, but more importantly also to the ...
يعتبر حوض الفرات من أهم الأحواض المائية السورية على الإطلاق باعتبار المصدر الرئيسي لمياهه هو نهر الف...
This research aims to study the possibility of designing expressive fashion on the mannequin as a we...
The sociology of development is concerned with revealing the causes of underdevelopment and its poli...
The media uses the image as a tool and a mean to touch the public opinion when it is broadcasted. Th...
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة أثر التمكين النفسي بأبعاده (المعنى، الكفاءة، الا...
This study took upon itself an analysis of the Quranic texts that came in the folds of the words of ...
The integration of visual arts into the educational learning process contributes to raising the degr...
إن المشكلات المواجهة فى تدريس اللغة العربية هى كون المدرس ضعيف الكفاءة، فلم تنفذ عملية تدريس اللغة ا...
The oath is two types ,judicial and extrajudicial , judicial oath is decisive Oath and Complementar...