Implementasi Kebijakan Program Bantuan Sosial Secara Non Tunai (E Warong) Oleh Dinas Sosial Dan Pemakaman Kota Pekanbaru

  • Safitri, Ria
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Publication date
January 2019


This study aims to determine the objective level of the Implementation of Non-Cash (E Warong) Social Assistance Program by the Social Service and Cemetery of Pekanbaru City. Assessment indicators that are used are driving factors and inhibiting factors which include assessment items, namely pilitik leadership commitment, organizational ability, commitment of the implementers, interest group support, actors involved, presence of commitment or multiple loyalty, complexity of time and changes in leadership too much, another factor. The type of assessment is a type of descriptive survey, that is the researcher treats data collection, for example by distributing questionnaires, tests, structured interviews, and so on. There are two sample popula...

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