Live insects rely on their habitat. Soil serves as a place to live, defense and a source of food for soil insects. Soil insects act as decomposers of organic materials and can be used as indicators of soil fertility and determinants of the stability of an ecosystem. This study aims to identify the types of insects found in the Kerandangan Nature Tourism Park Forest. This research is descriptive exploratory, sampling by purposive sampling with pitfall trap method. The results obtained 18 families 27 genera with the number of individuals as many as 520 individuals. Formicidae had the most number of individuals, namely 297 individuals. The genera with the highest number of individuals were Oechophylla (154), Streblognathus (89), Alphitobius (7...
This study aimed to determine the types of insects that interact with bali cattle in the moor area i...
benefit for community near forest, some agroforestry systems were developed. This system depends on ...
Soil arthropods have role as herbivores, decomposers, predators and bioindicators of the various fun...
Insects are the main group of soil arthropod and the most dominant animals in the terrestrial ecosys...
Rohyani IS, Ahyadi H. 2017. Short Communication: Diversity and abundance of soil insects at Jeruk Ma...
Manggis Gadungan Natural Reserve is a biggest protected forest area in Kediri regency. There are man...
Agricultural land is one of the factors of biodiversity. Biodiversity (biodiversity) is all types of...
Wanagama Education Forest is the forest made by the ecosystem successions. Wanagama developed on bar...
The Kateri wildlife area has Primary and Production forest ecosystems. The functional shifting of Pr...
Soil insects play an important role in maintaining forest soil fertility. Soil insects ingest the de...
Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is one of the nature conservation area that has the potential of fl...
The role of soil insects is very important as environmental indicator organisms, balancing ecosystem...
The Study of soil arthropoda diversity in Upper Katingan River area was done in five different fores...
A comparative study of soil springtails (Insecta: Collembola) inhabiting two different types of vege...
This study aims to determine the diversity of soil surface insects, in the Bukit Gatan area, Musi Ra...
This study aimed to determine the types of insects that interact with bali cattle in the moor area i...
benefit for community near forest, some agroforestry systems were developed. This system depends on ...
Soil arthropods have role as herbivores, decomposers, predators and bioindicators of the various fun...
Insects are the main group of soil arthropod and the most dominant animals in the terrestrial ecosys...
Rohyani IS, Ahyadi H. 2017. Short Communication: Diversity and abundance of soil insects at Jeruk Ma...
Manggis Gadungan Natural Reserve is a biggest protected forest area in Kediri regency. There are man...
Agricultural land is one of the factors of biodiversity. Biodiversity (biodiversity) is all types of...
Wanagama Education Forest is the forest made by the ecosystem successions. Wanagama developed on bar...
The Kateri wildlife area has Primary and Production forest ecosystems. The functional shifting of Pr...
Soil insects play an important role in maintaining forest soil fertility. Soil insects ingest the de...
Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is one of the nature conservation area that has the potential of fl...
The role of soil insects is very important as environmental indicator organisms, balancing ecosystem...
The Study of soil arthropoda diversity in Upper Katingan River area was done in five different fores...
A comparative study of soil springtails (Insecta: Collembola) inhabiting two different types of vege...
This study aims to determine the diversity of soil surface insects, in the Bukit Gatan area, Musi Ra...
This study aimed to determine the types of insects that interact with bali cattle in the moor area i...
benefit for community near forest, some agroforestry systems were developed. This system depends on ...
Soil arthropods have role as herbivores, decomposers, predators and bioindicators of the various fun...