Abstrak: Proses menua lansia adalah melambatnya proses informasi, menurunnya daya ingat, berkurangnya kemampuan otak untuk membedakan stimulus atau rasangan yang dating selanjutnya adalah perubahan terhadap fungsi fisik dan psikososial. Upaya yang dilakukan pada lansia yang mengalami berbagai perubahan yaitu dengan memberikan informasi berkaitan dengan kesehatan lansia. Salah upayanya yaitu memberikan Terapi Kelompok Terapeutik (TKT). Tujuan utama pemberian terapi keompok teraputik adalah untuk untuk meningkatkan kemampuan lansia dalam aspek perubahan proses perkembangan lansia serta mempertahankan perkembangan integritas diri lansia di UPT Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru Riau. pelaksanaan Terapi menggunakan metode di...
Introduction: The elderly are those who are sensitive regarding changes in their environment. This i...
ABSTRACT Elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. Elderly is an age group in...
The number of elderly tends to increase every year. An increase in the number of elderly is also usu...
Proses menua lansia adalah melambatnya proses informasi, menurunnya daya ingat, berkurangnya kemampu...
Elderly changing through time biologically, psychological and socially. The Changes experienced by t...
Elderly changing through time biologically, psychological and socially. The Changes experienced by t...
ABSTRACT The elderly are at risk of experiencing disturbance of self-integrity, the changes that occ...
ABSTRACT The elderly are at risk of experiencing disturbance of self-integrity, the changes that occ...
Proses menjadi lanjut usia tidak terlepas dari beberapa perubahan yang menyangkut biologis,psikologi...
Worldwide, the number of people aged 60 years and over has rapidly increased along with the increase...
Proses menjadi lanjut usia tidak terlepas dari beberapa perubahan yang menyangkut biologis,psikologi...
Worldwide, the number of people aged 60 years and over has rapidly increased along with the increase...
Seiring bertambahnya usia pada lansia fungsi fisiologis, psikologis, sosial, dan spiritual mereka be...
Aging process (aging process) is a natural process characterized by a decreasing or changing in phys...
The increasing number of the elderly causes complex problems for the elderly, families and communiti...
Introduction: The elderly are those who are sensitive regarding changes in their environment. This i...
ABSTRACT Elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. Elderly is an age group in...
The number of elderly tends to increase every year. An increase in the number of elderly is also usu...
Proses menua lansia adalah melambatnya proses informasi, menurunnya daya ingat, berkurangnya kemampu...
Elderly changing through time biologically, psychological and socially. The Changes experienced by t...
Elderly changing through time biologically, psychological and socially. The Changes experienced by t...
ABSTRACT The elderly are at risk of experiencing disturbance of self-integrity, the changes that occ...
ABSTRACT The elderly are at risk of experiencing disturbance of self-integrity, the changes that occ...
Proses menjadi lanjut usia tidak terlepas dari beberapa perubahan yang menyangkut biologis,psikologi...
Worldwide, the number of people aged 60 years and over has rapidly increased along with the increase...
Proses menjadi lanjut usia tidak terlepas dari beberapa perubahan yang menyangkut biologis,psikologi...
Worldwide, the number of people aged 60 years and over has rapidly increased along with the increase...
Seiring bertambahnya usia pada lansia fungsi fisiologis, psikologis, sosial, dan spiritual mereka be...
Aging process (aging process) is a natural process characterized by a decreasing or changing in phys...
The increasing number of the elderly causes complex problems for the elderly, families and communiti...
Introduction: The elderly are those who are sensitive regarding changes in their environment. This i...
ABSTRACT Elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. Elderly is an age group in...
The number of elderly tends to increase every year. An increase in the number of elderly is also usu...