According to quantum field theory, empty space – the ground state with all real excitations removed –is not empty, but filled with quantum-vacuum fluctuations. Their presence can manifest itself through phenomena such as the Casimir force, spontaneous emission, or dispersion forces. These fluctuating fields possess correlations between space-time points outside the light cone, i.e. points causally disconnected according to special relativity. As a consequence, two initially uncorrelated quantum objects in empty space which are located in causally disconnected space-time regions, and therefore unable to exchange information, can become correlated. Here, we have experimentally demonstrated the existence of correlations of the vacuum fields fo...
Quantum field fluctuations are the more strongly correlated the smaller their spacetime distance. As...
7 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 03.67.Bg, 03.65.Ud, 42.50.Ct.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http:...
Modern quantum field theory has offered us a very intriguing picture of empty space. The vacuum stat...
According to quantum field theory, empty space -- the ground state of the theory with all real excit...
The solution to the wave equation as a Cauchy problem with prescribed fields at an initial time $t=0...
Source radiation (radiation reaction) and vacuum-field fluctuations can be seen as two inseparable c...
In this project, we present a novel approach to calculate and engineer the photon correlations emerg...
The ground state of quantum systems is characterized by zero-point motion. Those vacuum fluctuations...
In this review we investigate several aspects and features of spatial field correlations for the mas...
This master thesis project is a phenomenological work on a putative Quantum Gravity effect, the spac...
We derive the structure of the density matrix for two Unruh-DeWitt detectors coupled to a massless s...
The vacuum correlations of the gravitational field are highly non-trivial to be defined and computed...
[[abstract]]In this paper we analyze the interaction of a uniformly accelerated detector with a quan...
In this paper we analyze the interaction of a uniformly accelerated detector (UAD) with a quantum fi...
17 pags., 10 figs., 1 tab.We study the transmission of information and correlations through quantum ...
Quantum field fluctuations are the more strongly correlated the smaller their spacetime distance. As...
7 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 03.67.Bg, 03.65.Ud, 42.50.Ct.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http:...
Modern quantum field theory has offered us a very intriguing picture of empty space. The vacuum stat...
According to quantum field theory, empty space -- the ground state of the theory with all real excit...
The solution to the wave equation as a Cauchy problem with prescribed fields at an initial time $t=0...
Source radiation (radiation reaction) and vacuum-field fluctuations can be seen as two inseparable c...
In this project, we present a novel approach to calculate and engineer the photon correlations emerg...
The ground state of quantum systems is characterized by zero-point motion. Those vacuum fluctuations...
In this review we investigate several aspects and features of spatial field correlations for the mas...
This master thesis project is a phenomenological work on a putative Quantum Gravity effect, the spac...
We derive the structure of the density matrix for two Unruh-DeWitt detectors coupled to a massless s...
The vacuum correlations of the gravitational field are highly non-trivial to be defined and computed...
[[abstract]]In this paper we analyze the interaction of a uniformly accelerated detector with a quan...
In this paper we analyze the interaction of a uniformly accelerated detector (UAD) with a quantum fi...
17 pags., 10 figs., 1 tab.We study the transmission of information and correlations through quantum ...
Quantum field fluctuations are the more strongly correlated the smaller their spacetime distance. As...
7 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 03.67.Bg, 03.65.Ud, 42.50.Ct.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http:...
Modern quantum field theory has offered us a very intriguing picture of empty space. The vacuum stat...