Public Roads;Federal Highway Administration, Clyde E.Bedford, T. A.Williams, A. D.Atwood, B. M.Smith, H. C.Cocke, William F.Harrington, E. C.Older, CliffordBuic, DuncanPatterson, I. W.Thompson, W. G.Sevison, Z. E.Browning, Ira R.Allen, H. C.Johnson, George E.United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Public RoadsUnited States. Government Printing OfficeUnited StatesHuman resources managementInfrastructureStructuresPavementsFinancingBridgesSecurityMaterialsOperationsManagementPolicyHistoryEnvironmentFUNDINGVolume 2, Issue(s) 13These documents are disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, in the interest of informat...