NWA 1240 is an unusual eucrite recently recovered in Morocco as a single stone of 98 g. It is an unbrecciated greenish-brown rock nearly devoid of fusion crust. It displays porphyritic texture consisting of skeletal hollow low-Ca pyroxene phenocrysts set in a variolitic (fan-spherulitic) mesostasis of fine elongate pyroxene and plagioclase crystals. Minor phases are skeletal chromite, iron, silica, troilite, ilmenite and minute amounts of phosphate and fayalite. Pyroxenes are unequilibrated and show one of the widest ranges of composition so far described for a eucrite, from En76.0Wo1.9Fs22.1 to compositions nearly devoid of Mg (unusual ferrosilite and Fe-augite symplectites and possibly pyroxferroite). Plagioclase crystals contain signific...