Purpose: This research aims to determine which type of The Big Five Personality impacted the impulsive buying behavior of TnT Rajut’s customers. Design/methodology/approach: This research proposes two strategies based on TnT Rajut’s SWOT analysis, social media activation and bundling price strategy. Findings: Based on the calculated data from respondents, it is shown that Openness to Experience, Extraversion, and Agreeableness impacted the impulsive buying behavior. Research limitations/implications: Meanwhile, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism didn’t impact impulsive buying behavior. Originality/value: This paper is original Paper type: Research Pape
This study aims to explore the factors that influence impulse buying behavior on social commerce pl...
Impulse buying merupakan bentuk dari reaksi cepat tanpa adanya rencana untuk memutuskan berbelanja. ...
Consumers’ online impulsive buying behavior has become more and more frequent in the digital era. Th...
Purpose: This research aims to determine which type of The Big Five Personality impacted the impulsi...
Purpose: This study aims to analyse the correlation between personality, shop enjoyment, impulsive b...
ABSTRACT Marketing process in a company will be successful if they can understand the unique char...
Normally impulse buying is considered to take place in the presence of extrinsic factors which lure ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh tipe kepribadian (Big Five Person...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Tipe Kepribadian Big Five Terhadap Pembelian Impu...
Personality traits sufficiently explain the tendency of an individual displaying impulsive buying be...
College students are individuals who enter the transition from adolescence to adulthood. In this per...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh Big five Personality terhadap perilaku imp...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tipe kepribadian big five terhadap perilaku pembe...
Impulsive buying is a ‘widely recognize phenomena ’ in the United States. Products categories such a...
Contains fulltext : 19379.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)This dissertatio...
This study aims to explore the factors that influence impulse buying behavior on social commerce pl...
Impulse buying merupakan bentuk dari reaksi cepat tanpa adanya rencana untuk memutuskan berbelanja. ...
Consumers’ online impulsive buying behavior has become more and more frequent in the digital era. Th...
Purpose: This research aims to determine which type of The Big Five Personality impacted the impulsi...
Purpose: This study aims to analyse the correlation between personality, shop enjoyment, impulsive b...
ABSTRACT Marketing process in a company will be successful if they can understand the unique char...
Normally impulse buying is considered to take place in the presence of extrinsic factors which lure ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh tipe kepribadian (Big Five Person...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Tipe Kepribadian Big Five Terhadap Pembelian Impu...
Personality traits sufficiently explain the tendency of an individual displaying impulsive buying be...
College students are individuals who enter the transition from adolescence to adulthood. In this per...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh Big five Personality terhadap perilaku imp...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tipe kepribadian big five terhadap perilaku pembe...
Impulsive buying is a ‘widely recognize phenomena ’ in the United States. Products categories such a...
Contains fulltext : 19379.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)This dissertatio...
This study aims to explore the factors that influence impulse buying behavior on social commerce pl...
Impulse buying merupakan bentuk dari reaksi cepat tanpa adanya rencana untuk memutuskan berbelanja. ...
Consumers’ online impulsive buying behavior has become more and more frequent in the digital era. Th...