Valinta-ja kasvatuskokeissa selvitettiin porsasrehun maitohappo-, muurahaishappo-, kalsiumformiaatti- ja natriumbentsoaattilisäysten (8 g/kg rehua) vaikutusta vieroitettujen porsaiden rehun sy ö ntiin. Valintakokeessa oli 30 pahnuetta (306 porsasta),jotka vieroitettiin 30 päiväniässä .Orgaanista happoa sisältäviä rehuja testattiin pareittain ja tutkitut kuusi yhdistelmää olivat maitohappo/muurahaishappo, maitohappo/kalsiumformiaatti, maitohappo/natriumbentsoaatti, muurahaishappo/kalsiumformiaatti, muurahaishappo/natriumbentsoaatti ja kalsiumformiaatti/natriumbentsoaatti. Vieroituksesta 21 päivän ajan porsailla oli mahdollisuus syödä vapaasti automaattista jompaa kumpaa tarjolla ollutta orgaanista happoa sisältävää rehua. Porsaat söivät ...
Reduction of antibiotic use has been a hot topic of research over the past decades. The European ban...
<span>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of diets for weaned...
Organic acids and their salts appear to be potential alternatives to prophylactic in-feed antibiotic...
The results show the some differences exist in the palatability of organic acid supplemented diets, ...
Vuonna 2000 voimaan tulleet EU:n luonnonmukaisen kotieläintuotannon säädökset muuttivat luonnonmukai...
ABSTRACT Organic acids are used as feed additives to promote growth of weaned piglets since they pre...
Abstract: Providing organic acids as a feed additive enhances the health status of piglets, particul...
Organic acids have been used for more than 30 years. During suckling pigs are exposed to a large var...
Os ácidos orgânicos podem ser um instrumento eficiente na substituição dos antibióticos para preveni...
This thesis investigates the effect of feeding organic acids on performance and gut structure in the...
In a 2 X 2 factorial experiment the use of polyol mixture (sugar alcohols) in the diet of piglets wa...
This thesis describes research on the essential-fatty acid supply of weanling piglets. Vertebrates r...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kahden muurahaishappopohjaisen happovalmisteen tehoa pieninä...
ABSTRACT Two experiments (E) were carried out to evaluate the effects of fumaric acid and an acidifi...
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of blends of dietary protect...
Reduction of antibiotic use has been a hot topic of research over the past decades. The European ban...
<span>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of diets for weaned...
Organic acids and their salts appear to be potential alternatives to prophylactic in-feed antibiotic...
The results show the some differences exist in the palatability of organic acid supplemented diets, ...
Vuonna 2000 voimaan tulleet EU:n luonnonmukaisen kotieläintuotannon säädökset muuttivat luonnonmukai...
ABSTRACT Organic acids are used as feed additives to promote growth of weaned piglets since they pre...
Abstract: Providing organic acids as a feed additive enhances the health status of piglets, particul...
Organic acids have been used for more than 30 years. During suckling pigs are exposed to a large var...
Os ácidos orgânicos podem ser um instrumento eficiente na substituição dos antibióticos para preveni...
This thesis investigates the effect of feeding organic acids on performance and gut structure in the...
In a 2 X 2 factorial experiment the use of polyol mixture (sugar alcohols) in the diet of piglets wa...
This thesis describes research on the essential-fatty acid supply of weanling piglets. Vertebrates r...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kahden muurahaishappopohjaisen happovalmisteen tehoa pieninä...
ABSTRACT Two experiments (E) were carried out to evaluate the effects of fumaric acid and an acidifi...
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of blends of dietary protect...
Reduction of antibiotic use has been a hot topic of research over the past decades. The European ban...
<span>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of diets for weaned...
Organic acids and their salts appear to be potential alternatives to prophylactic in-feed antibiotic...