Maitovalkuaisjakeissa esiintyvää geneettistä muuntelua tutkittiin neljällä sveitsiläisellä lypsykarjarotutyypillä. Koeaineistona käytettiin kaikkiaan 208 Original Swiss Simmental (OSS) -rodun lehmää, 220 Swiss Simmental- ja American Red Holstein (RH) -rotujen risteytysjälkeläistä, 215 Swiss Brown (OSB) -rodun lehmää ja 390 Swiss Brown- ja American Brown Swiss (BS) -rotujen risteytysjälkeläistä. Kaseiinien ja ß-laktoglobuliinien geneettisen muuntelun lisäksi selvitettiin k-kaseiinin ja maidon tuotantomäärän välisiä vuorovaikutussuhteita. Rotujen välillä havaittiin jonkin verran alleelimuuntelua. Risteytettäessä OSS-rotuisia lehmiä RH-rodun kanssa havaittiin as1-CnC, ß-CnB ja k-CnB alleelien esiintymistiheyden vähenevän verrattuna OSS...
The original discovery of the genetic polymorphism of ß-Lg by Aschaffen-burg & Drewryin 1955 has ini...
35 ref. 6 tablesNational audienceFour of the six main proteins of cow’s milk (αS1 - β -, and κ-casei...
In this study, the gene frequencies of alpha-(s1)-casein, beta-casein. beta-lactoglobulin and kappa-...
Individual cow milk samples from (a) 208 original Swiss Simmental (OSS), (b) 220 of their crosses (S...
Individual cow milk samples from (a) 208 original Swiss Simmental (OSS), (b) 220 of their crosses (S...
Bu çalışmada Bursa bölgesinde yetiştirilen toplam 203 baş Siyah Alaca ırkı inekte horizontal-nişasta...
The distribution and types of alpha-s(1)-casein, beta-lactoglobulin, beta-casein and kappa-casein in...
The milk protein genetic structure of the Reggiana dairy local cattle with remarkable milk quality p...
The quality and yield of milk, and therefore of dairy products as well, depends directly on their...
“Rossa Siciliana” is a dairy cattle population traditionally linked to cheese production protein pol...
Note:Genetic variants of milk proteins were used as genetic markers for production traits during thr...
Kappa-casein has the general function in process of cheese production. Understanding the effect of g...
Bu çalışmada Balıkesir Tarım İl Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı olan Hayvan Islah ve Yetiştirme Birliği Damızlık ...
The genetic polymorphism of milk proteins can be a useful guide for selection and an informative mar...
Some alleles of milk protein loci are associated with superior cheese production characteristics. Th...
The original discovery of the genetic polymorphism of ß-Lg by Aschaffen-burg & Drewryin 1955 has ini...
35 ref. 6 tablesNational audienceFour of the six main proteins of cow’s milk (αS1 - β -, and κ-casei...
In this study, the gene frequencies of alpha-(s1)-casein, beta-casein. beta-lactoglobulin and kappa-...
Individual cow milk samples from (a) 208 original Swiss Simmental (OSS), (b) 220 of their crosses (S...
Individual cow milk samples from (a) 208 original Swiss Simmental (OSS), (b) 220 of their crosses (S...
Bu çalışmada Bursa bölgesinde yetiştirilen toplam 203 baş Siyah Alaca ırkı inekte horizontal-nişasta...
The distribution and types of alpha-s(1)-casein, beta-lactoglobulin, beta-casein and kappa-casein in...
The milk protein genetic structure of the Reggiana dairy local cattle with remarkable milk quality p...
The quality and yield of milk, and therefore of dairy products as well, depends directly on their...
“Rossa Siciliana” is a dairy cattle population traditionally linked to cheese production protein pol...
Note:Genetic variants of milk proteins were used as genetic markers for production traits during thr...
Kappa-casein has the general function in process of cheese production. Understanding the effect of g...
Bu çalışmada Balıkesir Tarım İl Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı olan Hayvan Islah ve Yetiştirme Birliği Damızlık ...
The genetic polymorphism of milk proteins can be a useful guide for selection and an informative mar...
Some alleles of milk protein loci are associated with superior cheese production characteristics. Th...
The original discovery of the genetic polymorphism of ß-Lg by Aschaffen-burg & Drewryin 1955 has ini...
35 ref. 6 tablesNational audienceFour of the six main proteins of cow’s milk (αS1 - β -, and κ-casei...
In this study, the gene frequencies of alpha-(s1)-casein, beta-casein. beta-lactoglobulin and kappa-...