vokkirjasto Aj-KDiss. :Helsingin yliopistoTutkimus kevätrypsin (Brassica campestris L. var. annua) rasvahappojen analytiikasta ja jalostuksest
vokKirjasto Aj-KSyys- ja kevätrypsin välistä risteytyspopulaatioita koskevia tutkimuksi
This research was carried in 2018-2019 in order to investigate and compare the composition of fatty ...
Introduction. Sowing rye (Secale cereale L.) and common barley (Hordéum vulgáre L.) are annual herba...
Sarja Peltoviljely n:o 57vokKirjasto Aj-KRasvahappokoostumusvalinnasta kahdessa mahdollisimman vapaa...
The fatty acid composition of the seed oil of summer turnip rape (Brassica campestris L. var. annua)...
vokKirjasto Aj-KRasvahappojen ja glukosinolaattien analyysi yhdestä rypsin (B. campestris L.) siemen...
Changes of fatty acid composition in seed oil of rapeseed during first 96 hours of germination Zmian...
Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti utjecaj sorte i načina uzgoja sjemena porodice Brassicaceae (uljane r...
The seed oil samples of 57 mustard genotypes belonging to six species of mustard (Brassica spp.) Bra...
Abstract. The fatty acid composition of oil of the zero erucic acid commercial Brassica napus L. is ...
Twenty-two genotypes of Brassica (B. rapa, B. juncea, and B. napus) were studied for correlation co-...
11 Brassica spp. grown under identical agro-climatic conditions were analysed for oil, protein (whol...
Decreasing saturated fatty acids and increasing monounsaturated fatty acids are desirable to improve...
Oil content and fatty acid composition were investigated in the following wild crucifer species duri...
Rapeseed is one of the important oil crops in the world. However, rapeseed could not be produced la...
vokKirjasto Aj-KSyys- ja kevätrypsin välistä risteytyspopulaatioita koskevia tutkimuksi
This research was carried in 2018-2019 in order to investigate and compare the composition of fatty ...
Introduction. Sowing rye (Secale cereale L.) and common barley (Hordéum vulgáre L.) are annual herba...
Sarja Peltoviljely n:o 57vokKirjasto Aj-KRasvahappokoostumusvalinnasta kahdessa mahdollisimman vapaa...
The fatty acid composition of the seed oil of summer turnip rape (Brassica campestris L. var. annua)...
vokKirjasto Aj-KRasvahappojen ja glukosinolaattien analyysi yhdestä rypsin (B. campestris L.) siemen...
Changes of fatty acid composition in seed oil of rapeseed during first 96 hours of germination Zmian...
Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti utjecaj sorte i načina uzgoja sjemena porodice Brassicaceae (uljane r...
The seed oil samples of 57 mustard genotypes belonging to six species of mustard (Brassica spp.) Bra...
Abstract. The fatty acid composition of oil of the zero erucic acid commercial Brassica napus L. is ...
Twenty-two genotypes of Brassica (B. rapa, B. juncea, and B. napus) were studied for correlation co-...
11 Brassica spp. grown under identical agro-climatic conditions were analysed for oil, protein (whol...
Decreasing saturated fatty acids and increasing monounsaturated fatty acids are desirable to improve...
Oil content and fatty acid composition were investigated in the following wild crucifer species duri...
Rapeseed is one of the important oil crops in the world. However, rapeseed could not be produced la...
vokKirjasto Aj-KSyys- ja kevätrypsin välistä risteytyspopulaatioita koskevia tutkimuksi
This research was carried in 2018-2019 in order to investigate and compare the composition of fatty ...
Introduction. Sowing rye (Secale cereale L.) and common barley (Hordéum vulgáre L.) are annual herba...