To Be Young in Palestine: translation by William Snow of the book Etre jeune en Palestine (Paris, Balland, 2004, 205p.)

  • Larzillière, Pénélope
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Publication date
January 2004


What is it like to be a young person today in the territories governed by the Palestinian Authority? In 1987 Palestinian youth became massively involved in the first Intifada, convinced that their struggle would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state. In 1993 the Oslo Accords seemed to bring them closer to that goal. Since that time, however, hope has given way to the despair that was at the heart of the second Intifada, launched in 2000. While most of them held onto a national political objective, they nevertheless became extremely pessimistic about its chances for success. The daily lives of these young people have deteriorated enormously; nevertheless they are preoccupied with many things besides political and geopolitical affa...

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