This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation at different temporal resolutions. The animation is created from images taken by the Galileo spacecraft during a close pass of the Earth on December 11-12, 1990. The animations range from real-time, in which no rotation can be perceived, to 3600 times real-time, in which both the Earths rotation and cloud motion can bee seen. The series also includes an animation in which the Earths rotation has been halted so that cloud motion is easier to see and an animation showing the specific amount of rotation that takes place in three minutes. Educational levels: Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Graduate or professional
resolution: 714 X 710; Size: 76mb; Duration:10mn 24s. Education level: graduate and under graduate; ...
This animation was originally produced for the Smithsonian Institutions HoloGlobe Exhibit which open...
The use of satellite laser ranging in combination with other space geodetic techniques allows us to ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
The Galileo spacecraft was launched from the Space Shuttle Atlantis on October 18, 1989 on a six-yea...
This animation shows two views of a pendulum swinging over the North Pole. A drawing shows the path ...
Akin to a living creature, Earths land, air, oceans, ice, and life fit together into a complex, inte...
The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an international body composed of governments, organization...
This is one of a series of animations that were produced to be part of the narrated video shown in t...
This animation was produced for the Smithsonian Institution's HoloGlobe Exhibit which opened to...
The ability to see Earth from space has forever changed our view of the planet. We are now able to l...
resolution: 714 X 710; Size: 76mb; Duration:10mn 24s. Education level: graduate and under graduate; ...
This animation was originally produced for the Smithsonian Institutions HoloGlobe Exhibit which open...
The use of satellite laser ranging in combination with other space geodetic techniques allows us to ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
This animation is one in a series created to show an accurate representation of the Earths rotation ...
The Galileo spacecraft was launched from the Space Shuttle Atlantis on October 18, 1989 on a six-yea...
This animation shows two views of a pendulum swinging over the North Pole. A drawing shows the path ...
Akin to a living creature, Earths land, air, oceans, ice, and life fit together into a complex, inte...
The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an international body composed of governments, organization...
This is one of a series of animations that were produced to be part of the narrated video shown in t...
This animation was produced for the Smithsonian Institution's HoloGlobe Exhibit which opened to...
The ability to see Earth from space has forever changed our view of the planet. We are now able to l...
resolution: 714 X 710; Size: 76mb; Duration:10mn 24s. Education level: graduate and under graduate; ...
This animation was originally produced for the Smithsonian Institutions HoloGlobe Exhibit which open...
The use of satellite laser ranging in combination with other space geodetic techniques allows us to ...