Rak dojke najčešći je tumor i treći po redu maligni uzrok smrti u žena. Osnovne radiološke pretrage za dijagnostiku bolesti dojke su mamografija, ultrazvuk i magnetska rezonancija. Postoje razne benigne promjene koje mogu oponašati malignost na svim metodama snimanja dojke. Zato je važan korak u dijagnostici biopsija dojke. Bioptirano tkivo patohistološki se analizira kako bi se postavila konačna dijagnoza. Perkutana biopsija dojke razvila se kao alternativa kirurškoj biopsiji. To je minimalno invazivni postupak koji smanjuje troškove dijagnostike i pošteđuje pacijentice od nepotrebnog kirurškog zahvata patohistološki potvrđene benigne lezije. Vakuumom asistirana biopsija (VAB) omogućuje uzimanje većeg broja uzoraka uzastopno bez uklanjanja...
Bolesti dojke predstavljaju jedan od najčešćih medicinskih problema s kojima se susreću žene diljem ...
Introduction: Directional vacuum-assisted stereotactic breast biopsy (DVAB), represents an excellent...
The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of 11-gauge stereotactic vacuum-assisted bre...
Rak dojke najčešći je tumor i treći po redu maligni uzrok smrti u žena. Osnovne radiološke pretrage ...
Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti rezultate naše institucije s rezultatima drugih istraživan...
In the Czech Republic, several screening programs are carried out. Mammography screening is a progra...
Tato bakalářská práce na téma Vakuová biopsie prsu pomocí mammotomu se skládá z teoretické a praktic...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá biopsiemi prováděné v mamologii. Biopsie je minimálně invazivní tech...
Comparison of Mamographic Findings with Pathology Results of Microcalcifications which are excised b...
Karcinom dojke predstavlja najčešće sijelo karcinoma i vodeći je uzrok smrti u žena. Rizik od karcin...
PURPOSE:We aimed to present our biopsy method and retrospectively evaluate the results, upgrade rate...
Background: The increase in breast cancer awareness and widespread use of mammographic screening has...
Background: This paper reports the results obtained by the Senology Unit of the Surgery Department o...
Ziel: Evaluierung der stereotaktischen Vakuumbiopsie in der Abklärung mammografisch verdächtiger Lä...
AbstractAimThe aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and impact of the stereotact...
Bolesti dojke predstavljaju jedan od najčešćih medicinskih problema s kojima se susreću žene diljem ...
Introduction: Directional vacuum-assisted stereotactic breast biopsy (DVAB), represents an excellent...
The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of 11-gauge stereotactic vacuum-assisted bre...
Rak dojke najčešći je tumor i treći po redu maligni uzrok smrti u žena. Osnovne radiološke pretrage ...
Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti rezultate naše institucije s rezultatima drugih istraživan...
In the Czech Republic, several screening programs are carried out. Mammography screening is a progra...
Tato bakalářská práce na téma Vakuová biopsie prsu pomocí mammotomu se skládá z teoretické a praktic...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá biopsiemi prováděné v mamologii. Biopsie je minimálně invazivní tech...
Comparison of Mamographic Findings with Pathology Results of Microcalcifications which are excised b...
Karcinom dojke predstavlja najčešće sijelo karcinoma i vodeći je uzrok smrti u žena. Rizik od karcin...
PURPOSE:We aimed to present our biopsy method and retrospectively evaluate the results, upgrade rate...
Background: The increase in breast cancer awareness and widespread use of mammographic screening has...
Background: This paper reports the results obtained by the Senology Unit of the Surgery Department o...
Ziel: Evaluierung der stereotaktischen Vakuumbiopsie in der Abklärung mammografisch verdächtiger Lä...
AbstractAimThe aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and impact of the stereotact...
Bolesti dojke predstavljaju jedan od najčešćih medicinskih problema s kojima se susreću žene diljem ...
Introduction: Directional vacuum-assisted stereotactic breast biopsy (DVAB), represents an excellent...
The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of 11-gauge stereotactic vacuum-assisted bre...