This study examines hydrogeologic and water-quality data of the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer collected by the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District from 1990 to 1994. Ten water-level stations are continuously monitored by the District. The water-level changes in the ten monitor wells varied in response to recharge and drawdown events. Monitor wells 58-57-9A (Miller), 58-50-801 (Dowell), 58-58-123 (Porter), 58-58-4CM (Centex) and 58- 50-216 (Target) have shown rapid responses to some recharge events, indicating a good hydraulicconnection to areas of recharge during certain flow conditions. We1158-50-301 (Lovelady) shows a very gradual response to recharge events, indicating that it is fed by diffuse flow. Two...