Straipsnyje analizuojama imuniteto samprata, kuri susieja gamtos ir kultūros, biologijos ir politikos sritis. Jacques’as Derrida imuniteto ir autoimuninio sutrikimo sampratas pasitelkia siekdamas atskleisti prieštaringą, aporetinę religijos ir demokratijos prigimtį: tiek religija, tiek demokratija siekia apsaugoti savo grynumą atmesdamos tai, kas svetima, tačiau tam, kad išlaikytų savo bendruomeninę prigimtį, jos turi saugotis savo pačių imuninių reakcijų. Roberto Esposito imuniteto sampratą apsvarsto biopolitikos kontekste: biopolitinis išrūšiavimas remiasi imunitarine logika, kuri padeda atskirti sava ir svetima. Šiai negatyviajai biopolitikos strategijai Esposito siekia priešpriešinti afirmatyviąją biopolitiką, kuri remtųsi bendruomenės ...
Peter Sloterdijk mobilizes the semantic of immunity in order to construct a philosophy of psychocult...
Kordela first shows that Esposito's negative dialectic relation between immunity and community—both ...
This chapter sets out the argument that the securitization of the EU, in particular through the deve...
Celem tekstu jest rekonstrukcja wybranych wątków z twórczości Roberta Esposita, które w opinii autor...
This text gathers the conference dictated by Roberto Esposito on October 19th, 2011 at the School of...
<p>In <em>Voyous, </em>Jacques Derrida develops his argument starting from the presupposition that d...
The author examins the relationship between the concepts of ‘community’, ‘immunity’ and ‘biopolitics...
Without disputing the richness of the original incarnation of the immune self – conceived in segrega...
This article re-conceptualises the ‘constitutive outside’ through Roberto Esposito’s theory of immun...
The immunity/community plexus has found an extraordinary and tragic bench test in the recent years o...
Celem tekstu jest rekonstrukcja wybranych wątków z twórczości Roberta Esposita, które w opinii aut...
In Western culture, it is possible to trace an archeology of the political as an effect of theologic...
Peter Sloterdijk mobilise la sémantique immunitaire afin de construire une philosophie de l'immunité...
Without disputing the richness of the original incarnation of the immune self – conceived in segrega...
As witnessed over the last year, immunity emerged as one of most highly debated topics in the curren...
Peter Sloterdijk mobilizes the semantic of immunity in order to construct a philosophy of psychocult...
Kordela first shows that Esposito's negative dialectic relation between immunity and community—both ...
This chapter sets out the argument that the securitization of the EU, in particular through the deve...
Celem tekstu jest rekonstrukcja wybranych wątków z twórczości Roberta Esposita, które w opinii autor...
This text gathers the conference dictated by Roberto Esposito on October 19th, 2011 at the School of...
<p>In <em>Voyous, </em>Jacques Derrida develops his argument starting from the presupposition that d...
The author examins the relationship between the concepts of ‘community’, ‘immunity’ and ‘biopolitics...
Without disputing the richness of the original incarnation of the immune self – conceived in segrega...
This article re-conceptualises the ‘constitutive outside’ through Roberto Esposito’s theory of immun...
The immunity/community plexus has found an extraordinary and tragic bench test in the recent years o...
Celem tekstu jest rekonstrukcja wybranych wątków z twórczości Roberta Esposita, które w opinii aut...
In Western culture, it is possible to trace an archeology of the political as an effect of theologic...
Peter Sloterdijk mobilise la sémantique immunitaire afin de construire une philosophie de l'immunité...
Without disputing the richness of the original incarnation of the immune self – conceived in segrega...
As witnessed over the last year, immunity emerged as one of most highly debated topics in the curren...
Peter Sloterdijk mobilizes the semantic of immunity in order to construct a philosophy of psychocult...
Kordela first shows that Esposito's negative dialectic relation between immunity and community—both ...
This chapter sets out the argument that the securitization of the EU, in particular through the deve...