In the history of Lithuanian diplomacy, the Lithuanian diplomatic post in Washington, D.C. is quite special. As a mission, later a legation and an embassy, it began existence in 1922. During the years of Lithuania’s foreign occupation it was unconditionally recognized by the United States of America as a consequence of the fact that the latter steadfastly refused to recognize the occupation (annexation) of Lithuania by the Soviet Union. Faithfully keeping their pledge Povilas Žadeikis and Juozas Kajeckas did not leave their posts and continued to work in the legation until their death. Later Washington saw the arrival of Dr. Stasys Antanas Bačkis from France and of Stasys Lozoraitis, Jr., from Italy. The latter was the last chief of the Lit...
In the context of Lithuania’s occupation and annexation of 1940–1990, the Lithuanian Diplomatic Serv...
USA wished to preserve the cooperation among different groups of emigrants in the Council aiming to ...
Nagrinėjant Lietuvos diplomatijos veikimą Skandinavijoje sprendžiant Vilniaus problemą 1933 – 1935 m...
Knyga skirta Lietuvos pasiuntinybės Vašingtone istorijai. Šaltojo karo metais joje dirbę diplomatai ...
Lithuanian government strove to restore good relations with Lithuanian emigrants in the USA because ...
Po 1940 m. sovietų įvykdytos Lietuvos okupacijos Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Vašingtone tapo bene svarbiau...
In early June of 1940 Lithuania‘s Foreign Minister Juozas Urbšys sent a telegram (No. 288) to Lithua...
The Lithuanian Embassy in Washington during the Cold War, Lithuanian diplomats Povilas Žadeikis, Sta...
Lietuvių egzilinės diplomatijos pradžia galima laikyti 1940 m. birželio pradžioje Lietuvos Respublik...
Lietuvos diplomatų pasitarimas Niujorke 1945 m. rugpjūčio 19–20 dienomis skirtas aptarti tarptautinę...
Per tris nepriklausomybės dešimtmečius Lietuvoje buvo atlikta daug svarbių lietuvių diasporos istori...
This article deals with Lithuanian diplomacy in Switzerland from 1940 to 1975. According to the sour...
In 19411, the Soviets by illegal means subordinated the embassy of Lithuania in Paris, and thus, Lit...
During the period of the First Lithuanian Republic a relatively small number of emigrants headed for...
Kaunas was a provisional capital of Lithuania in 1918-1940. Foreign embassies were located in the ce...
In the context of Lithuania’s occupation and annexation of 1940–1990, the Lithuanian Diplomatic Serv...
USA wished to preserve the cooperation among different groups of emigrants in the Council aiming to ...
Nagrinėjant Lietuvos diplomatijos veikimą Skandinavijoje sprendžiant Vilniaus problemą 1933 – 1935 m...
Knyga skirta Lietuvos pasiuntinybės Vašingtone istorijai. Šaltojo karo metais joje dirbę diplomatai ...
Lithuanian government strove to restore good relations with Lithuanian emigrants in the USA because ...
Po 1940 m. sovietų įvykdytos Lietuvos okupacijos Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Vašingtone tapo bene svarbiau...
In early June of 1940 Lithuania‘s Foreign Minister Juozas Urbšys sent a telegram (No. 288) to Lithua...
The Lithuanian Embassy in Washington during the Cold War, Lithuanian diplomats Povilas Žadeikis, Sta...
Lietuvių egzilinės diplomatijos pradžia galima laikyti 1940 m. birželio pradžioje Lietuvos Respublik...
Lietuvos diplomatų pasitarimas Niujorke 1945 m. rugpjūčio 19–20 dienomis skirtas aptarti tarptautinę...
Per tris nepriklausomybės dešimtmečius Lietuvoje buvo atlikta daug svarbių lietuvių diasporos istori...
This article deals with Lithuanian diplomacy in Switzerland from 1940 to 1975. According to the sour...
In 19411, the Soviets by illegal means subordinated the embassy of Lithuania in Paris, and thus, Lit...
During the period of the First Lithuanian Republic a relatively small number of emigrants headed for...
Kaunas was a provisional capital of Lithuania in 1918-1940. Foreign embassies were located in the ce...
In the context of Lithuania’s occupation and annexation of 1940–1990, the Lithuanian Diplomatic Serv...
USA wished to preserve the cooperation among different groups of emigrants in the Council aiming to ...
Nagrinėjant Lietuvos diplomatijos veikimą Skandinavijoje sprendžiant Vilniaus problemą 1933 – 1935 m...