Застосування методу «сторітелінг» у ході вивчення дисциплін «Практикум шкільного музичного репертуару» та «Хорове диригування»

  • Совік, Тетяна
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Publication date
November 2021
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy


The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of the method «Storytelling» in the study of disciplines «Workshop of School Music Repertoire» and «Choral Conducting» by students of higher education specialty 014 Secondary Education (Music Art). The concept of the «storytelling» method is defined as «the art of telling stories for the purpose of learning, management by conveying the content of the message using a special technique». The structure of storytelling (connection, presentation of the main material, conclusions) is given. The types (active, passive) of storytelling are described and the method of its application in teaching the theoretical discipline «Workshop of School Music Repertoire» and practical – «Choral Conducting» for st...

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